Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/439

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taken on our journey to the Tyari in 1843, except that on this occasion we visited several Nestorian villages in the Supna between Daoodia and Amedia, which will be found noted on the map. We reached the latter place in four days' ride from Mosul, and soon forgot before a cheerful fire, and in friendly chattings with oar old friend Kasha Mendu, the discomfort of having travelled for three hours through a drenching rain.

We had not been seated long before the few Nestorians of the town came to visit us: men, women, and children, seemed to rejoice at seeing us again, and anxiously inquired whether we did not now intend to reside in the country, and to leave them no more. I found them still in the same depressed condition as they had been formerly, both temporally and spiritually, but as eager as ever that an English priest should settle among them. The day following being Sunday I went to their little chapel, which has been described in a former chapter, and was present during the afternoon service. Twelve men and two women composed the congregation. On one side of the rude lectern stood Kasha Mendu holding in his hand one half of the open ritual, while a little boy opposite to him supported the other half. In front were two deacons, one with a lighted taper in his hand, which he ever and anon trimmed to enable the rest to see what they were reading. These formed the choir: the priest precented, the deacons and child responded, and the congregation joined in as well as they were able. The prayers and anthems ended, Kasha Mendu first kissed the book of the holy Gospels, the rest followed his example, and then the kiss of peace was passed from one to another. After this all stood with uncovered heads, and bent bodies, to receive the benediction of their pastor, which was pronounced with great fervour. A perfect silence followed, during which the worshippers seemed to be engaged in private prayer; but now and then I heard such ejaculations as these: "Lord, hear us!" "Lord, accept our petitions!" "Lord, bless us!" Before the people dispersed, each came forward to kiss the hand of the priest, and they testified their gratitude for his ministrations by these and similar expressions: "The Lord give thee the kingdom of heaven!" "The Lord reward thee a hundred fold!" "The Lord bless thee now and for ever!"

It was a deeply affecting sight during the prayers to see the