Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/467

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Amedia, visit to the Armenian chapel at . . . 201

number of Armenians, Nestorians, and Chaldeans at . . 201

annual visit of Mutran Yoosef to . . . 201

robes worn by the Bishop on these occasions . .201

visit from Nestorians and Jews at . . . 202

cordiality between the two people . . . 202

their oppression by the Mohammedans . . 202

consequences of Mohammedan despotism at . . 202

Christians and Jews forbidden to leave . . 203

visit to Jewish synagogue at . . . . 203

its desecration by the infidels . . . 203

instances of the tyranny and oppression of the government at . 205

mode of calculating tithe in the district of . . 206

preparations for departure from .... 207

arrangements for opening a school at . . . 250

arrival at . . . . . 252, 379

visit to the Church of Mar Audishu at . . 252

departure from .... 254, 380

performance of church service at . . . . 379

priests and families at . . . . . 39.3

American Board of Foreign Missions .... 6

their doctrines and constitution opposed to the teaching and discipline of the Anglican church . 6

their claim to labour among the Eastern Christians ludicrous and presumptuous

Independents, the ....

character of

progress of among the Armenians

their proselytes recognized by the Porte as a separate sect .

their adherents said to be increasing

school under the auspices of, at Jezeerah

at Asheetha, Mohammed Pasha's charges against the . .

at Aleppo .

proceedings of, at Ooroomiah

sentiments of Mar Shimoon thereon

their abandonment of Mosul

their mission to the Syrian Jacobites

Amooda, village of •

Anglican ritual, Arabic edition of, in the hands of the Syrians

Anseriyyah, families at .

Antioch, entered .....

Anti-Taurus, entry into the • • . .

ascent of .

Apocrypha the, not published with the Syriac Bible .

Araden, churches, priests, and families at

7 61 10 10 10 10 58 196 355 367 367 368 375 66 72 174 358 34 35 71 174