Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/103

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"Christ did truly rise again from death, and took again His body, with flesh, bones, and all things appertaining to the perfection of man's nature; wherewith He ascended into heaven, and there sitteth, until He return to judge all men at the last day."—Article IV.

§ 1. "Christ, Who by the resurrection of His holy body, gave us the promise of a general resurrection, that we should arise after the renewal of His resurrection,—have mercy upon us.

"Jesus, Who in His risen body appeared ofttimes to His disciples, and breathed into them His Spirit, and they received the Holy Ghost, and Who by His resurrection made all to rejoice and exult,—have mercy upon us." From a Litany appointed in the Khudhra for New Sunday, or the first Sunday after Easter.

§ 2. "Christ Who is the first-fruits of the salvation of mankind, has, by His rising again, certified the resurrection of our corruptible bodies. After His resurrection from the dead He appeared to the disciples, and Thomas saw and touched the mark of the spear, and the wounds of the nails wherewith He had been nailed by those wicked ones who pierced Him, and who are destined once more to behold that same One, when He shall come again in His great glory." From the service appointed in the Khudhra for New Sunday, or the first Sunday after Easter.

§ 3. "On the triumphant festival of the King Who ascended in the clouds, and went to the holy of holies in heaven, as it had been foretold, He was glorified by the spiritual ranks of the cheru-