Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/11

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It has been the Author's aim in the following volume, to collect from their standard writings all that refers to the doctrine, ecclesiastical discipline, and ritual observances of the Nestorians; to show wherein their present faith and practice differ from their own recognized authorities; as also to what extent the ex-Nestorian body, styling themselves "Chaldeans," have altered their ancient formularies so as to be in accordance with the new tenets which they have adopted since their submission to the See of Rome. In carrying out this design he has endeavoured to secure the best rituals extant, and such as are in constant use among the two communities alluded to, and has availed himself of the facilities which he possessed, through the influence of Mr. Christian Rassam, of constantly referring not only to Mar Shimoon, but also to the Chaldean Patriarch, for the solution of any difficulty which arose in its execution, either from want of books, or from his own ignorance. His not having taken advantage of the help to be derived in an investigation of this kind from such works as those of Renaudot and