Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/136

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eons one? Perchance, whilst thou art gone to buy, the Bridegroom will come, and thou shalt knock, but the door will not be opened unto thee; thou shalt cry aloud, 'Lord, Lord!' but He will not answer thee. Then shall He command thee to be delivered over to eternal punishment, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth for all evil-doers. Then thou shalt call out, as did the Rich Man, from the midst of hell, 'O moisten my tongue which is parched with the flames.' And Abraham shall answer thee as he did the Rich Man, 'Remember that thou hast received thy good things, and Lazarus has received his afflictions, and now thou shalt have thine afflictions, and Lazarus shall have his good things.' Since thou didst not comfort the weary, therefore thou shalt not rest in the treasure-house of life. Since thou didst not satisfy a hungry soul, thou shalt not enjoy the blessings to come. Since thou didst not give away a cup of cold water, thy poor tongue shall not be moistened. Therefore, O my soul, pray and beseech the merciful Lord, and say, 'Give me rest in Thy kingdom with all Thy saints, and have mercy upon me.'" From the service appointed in the Khudhra for the Baootha d'Ninwâyé.

See also Appendix B. Part iv. c. 7, for the connection in which Rom. xiv. 23 referred to in Art. xiii. is found.