Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/138

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we do are pleasing unto God, because they are wrought through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit Who adopts us to be the sons of God in the holy ordinance of baptism. As this subject however, will be treated more at length under Article XXVII., I shall at present restrict myself to adducing the following extract from the service appointed in the Gezza for the feast of the Epiphany corroborative of the above remarks.

"Ho, all ye who are driven without the holy Church, and who are like strangers to her communion, come, enter in, and receive the gift of baptism, and mingle with the reasonable sheep of Christ. Behold this is the accepted time to all such as are unbaptized. Come, enter in, and take rest, and delight yourselves in the hidden mysteries of our salvation, lest you should have no part or portion in the invitation of the priest who celebrates. For the gates are watched on your account, lest any of you should enter in not having on the wedding garment. Therefore, come all of you, and partake freely of this holy gift."