Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/15

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Introductory. Reasons why the Nestorians should be heard in self-defence.—Nature of their heresy, 2; God's disapprobation manifested towards them, 3; Supposed by some to hold the true Catholic doctrine, 4; Progress of the Church retarded by their estrangement, ib.; Their doctrines hitherto but superficially investigated, 5.

Writings of the Nestorians.—Not strictly confined to divinity, 8; Their intercourse with Grecian, Persian, and Arabian authors, 9; Their Syriac compositions, 10; Cause of the dearth of their ancient literature, 11; Its use at the present day, 14; Character of Nestorian and Jacobite alphabets, ib.

Of the hours of prayer and of the rituals and liturgies of the Nestorians.—Ancient order of the hours of prayer, 16; Cause of their change, 17; Reasons for their observance, 18; Service books, the Euanghelion, Shlieha, Karyâne, and Turgâma, 19; The Daweedha, or Psalter, 21; Its use at different seasons, 22; The Khudhra and Kash kôl, ib.; The Kdham oo d'Wathar, Gezza, Aboo Haleem, and Baootha d'Ninwâyé, 23; The Taxa d'Amadha, 24; Liturgies of Nestorius, Theodore and the Apostles, ib.; The Kthawa d'Burrakha, or Book of Matrimony, ib.; The Kahneita and Anneedha, Burial Services, ib.; The Taxa d'Siameedha, or Ordination Service, ib.; The Khamees and Warda, collections of hymns, 25; The Taxa d'Hoosaya, or Office of Pardon, ib.; Striking uniformity in the manuscript rituals, ib.

Plan of the following inquiry into the tenets of the Nestorians.—Their external forms useful in preserving essentials, 27; Want of a standard confession of faith, 28.