Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/150

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salvation." From the Khudhra, for the third Friday of the Sanctification of the Church.

§ 4. "To Thy Church, O our Saviour, which through faith and love, the fruits of Baptism, followed Thee perfectly, Thou didst first disclose the Persons of Thy glorious Godhead, and through her has been made known to the spiritual congregations a perfect teaching of the mystery of Thy Trinity. May that faith, O Lord, which by Thy grace was committed unto her through Thy Gospel be kept undefiled." From the service for the first Friday of the same commemoration.

§ 5. "Great and unlimited praise do the spiritual choirs offer up on the feast of thy sanctification, glorious and holy Church. The saintly priests cry out and say in thee, Holy, Holy, Holy, art Thou, O Lord, whose glory rested upon thee, and who gave thee in pledge His sacraments." From the fourth Sunday of the same commemoration.

§ 6. "Christ, Who affianced His Church through His precious blood, and by His baptism sanctified and saved it by His grace, and made it an abode and place of refuge for all who believe in Him, we pray Him to have mercy upon us." From the service for the first Sunday of the same festival.

§ 7. "Come, all ye of the household, that we may be among the guests at the sanctification of Thy holy Church, the affianced Bride of Jesus the High Priest, the heavenly Bridegroom, who in His pity gave to her His precious body and blood, and spread out upon her the beauty of His celestial glory, and committed to her the pledge of a new life in the waters of baptism, and has promised her a delectable abode in heaven that she may exult therein with her children born of the Spirit, and praise Him for having exalted her in every place, and humbled before her all names, and built up her walls." From the same.

§ 8. "The holy Church confesses Thee, O Jesus Christ, Son of the Lord, and perfects Thy sacraments, and exults in Thy cross, longs for Thee, waits for Thee, and supplicates Thy greatness to exalt her with Thee unto heaven when Thou shalt come at the last day." From the same.


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