Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/161

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and Warda also there are several poems, adapted to this festival, eulogizing the Cross, and calling upon the faithful to offer their adoration to it. The Old Testament is ransacked throughout for illustrations, and the most far-fetched events and actions are adduced as symbolizing the figure of the Cross. Some passages seem to teach that the Cross itself is to be worshipped with the highest worship, and the reader is distressed at the doctrine so plainly inculcated; when a new sentence occurs in which Christ and His death, and not His material Cross, or any emblem thereof, is as plainly declared to be the proper subject of adoration and praise. An entire volume might be filled with extracts on this subject from the Nestorian rituals; but if adduced in full, one would still be at a loss to decide positively whether their writers really teach that the material emblem of Christ's passion is to be worshipped. I give the following quotations as a specimen of the great mass of matter to be found in their church books on this subject.

"Ho! all ye who have fled to the Cross, and who have obtained life through the Cross, kneel and worship the Cross through which you have obtained salvation.

"Come, and let us all bow the knee in prayer before the Cross, which is a treasure of help, that we may obtain mercy and the forgiveness of our sins. When all the ends of the earth shall be enlightened by its rays; those who hate it shall be forced to worship its sovereignty.

"The shining Cross which appeared in the heavens to Constantine, went before his army like a general going forth to war. The multitude of unbelievers who worshipped the creature cast away from them the error of unbelief, and worshipped and adored the Cross.

"This Cross is a great wonder in the heights and depths. Praise be to its name.

"The Cross has saved us, the Cross has made us triumphant, the Cross has renewed us, the Cross has made us at peace, the living Cross went out to seek after us, and saved our life that was lost." From the service appointed in the Gezza for "Holy Cross Day."

"Angels and men worship Thy Cross, O Lord, and carry it in procession in their hands, and sing praises, since it created