Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/172

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ter, nor one of the faithful a deacon, or any other of the priesthood. For there is but one Head, and He is sufficient for all the members of the body, and to Him belongs sovereign power. And these things we have ordained by the canon of our Lord's word." Par. VI. entitled: That it doth not belong to laymen to interfere with the Divine service; from the canons of a provincial synod convened by Mar Yohanan, as contained in the Sinhadòs.

§ 4. "None is to be made a chief-priest, bishop, presbyter, or deacon, before he be first tried and examined in many things. He must be strong in faith, and in the doctrine of our Lord, and well known for his fear towards God, and noted for his humility, love, good conversation, and wisdom, and further endowed with the three virtues mentioned in the canons, viz. a sound mind, a perfect knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, and of the theory of the orthodox faith, and well reported of for good works pertaining to sanctification. Let those who are such be first examined, and then be permitted to minister, being found blameless, according to the commandment of the Apostle, and as it becometh those who are raised up to be lords in God's house, the salt of the earth, and the light of the world, for 'whosoever shall thus do and teach, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.' For history and experience bear witness how much confusion, how many tumults, and how many doubts, have been begotten in the Church of Christ through the election of such as are unworthy, and the consecration of such as are without good works, without a knowledge of the truth, and without competent instruction Therefore great care should be exercised in this respect; a care corresponding to the greatness and excellence of the priesthood; and whosoever shall act differently let him be under the sentence of our Lord's own word." Canon V. entitled: That without election none are to be ordained to any degree; from the canons of a provincial synod convened by Mar Timatæos, [a.d. 1317,] Patriarch of the East, as contained in the Sinhadòs.


Amidst the many errors which have sprung up in the Eastern