Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/192

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partake of them, believing that the effect of the sacrament takes place by a heavenly power."[1]

With respect to the latter clause of the Article, the Nestorian Synods have decreed numerous canons, directing that the Bishops, and others in authority, should from time to time examine into the life, conversation and doctrine of the clergy placed under their jurisdiction, and such as are found to be blameworthy are to be admonished, suspended, or deposed, according to the gravity of their offence.

  1. Since writing the above, I have met with the following in an ancient manuscript in the possession of Kasha Mendu of Amedia. The book appears to be a sort of general catechism, but is so much mutilated that I was unable to dis-' cover the title of the work or the author's name.

    "Query. There be many who contend that the Holy Ghost does not descend upon the oblation offered in the Church by wicked priests. Some of these, it is said, steal, commit adultery, swear falsely, injure and defraud their neighbours; how, then, can the Holy Ghost listen to those who do such things?

    "Answer. Though there be really found in the Church wicked and lying priests, nevertheless the right hand of the Lord which was placed upon their heads is true, and the oblation which they offer is pure, and the Holy Spirit listens [to their invocation,] and descends upon the oblation, which communicates to such as partake thereof a true pardon; for these effects depend not upon the conversation of the priest. In like manner also, baptism conferred by such is true and efficacious, because of the right hand. If the priest is a liar, and a man of wicked works, the oblations which he offers are acceptable through the Holy Ghost; for his sins are no reason why because of him the people are to be unjustly dealt with, since his sins can in no wise restrain the mercies of God towards His people. For as the righteous do not bring down the Spirit through their righteousness, neither can sinners prevent His descent by their sins. This is a gift of grace given for the pardon of mankind, which a wicked priest may invoke, and which descends upon such as are not wicked; which an adulterer may invoke, and which invocation He listens to in behalf of the saints; the gluttonous may invoke Him, and He hearkens in behalf of those who hunger after Him; the drunkard may invoke Him, and He bows and comes down to such as thirst after Him. He does not regard the actions of him who invokes, but the supplications of those who stand behind the priest, and who are looking up to Him. If the priest is a sinner, his sin is his own, and his righteousness can only benefit himself, for every man shall die for his own sin. Hence, those who say that the oblation is not consecrated by a wicked priest are in error: but I say unto thee, O my son, and I swear, that were it possible for the Devil to attain the priesthood, and with his hand to break the oblation and to communicate thereof to me, I would receive it from him, and hold it as though it had been broken by Simon Peter. Therefore, my son, be not like unto those who are of a doubtful mind."