Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/243

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Priest. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Our Father, which art in heaven, &c.


In Thy compassion, O Lord, our God, strengthen our weakness, that we may administer the holy sacraments which were given for the salvation of our race, through the mercies of Thy well-beloved Son, Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Then shall follow [a portion of one of the cathisma called] a marmeetha, [consisting of two or more psalms, as appointed in the Khudhra for Sundays and for all the greater festivals. On all other days Ps. xv. cl. and cxvii. are used.]


Make me to stand before Thy altar, O Lord, with a pure heart.

Deacon. Peace be with us.


Before the habitation of Thy Majesty, and the high and

  1. I have chosen this of the three liturgies in use among the Nestorians, because it is more likely to comprise the peculiar views attributed to their reputed head. It has been translated by Renaudot and Asseman; but not with perfect correctness. For the great age of the normal form, see Neale's Introduction, Vol. i. p. 320.

    A part of the ante-communion and the post-communion office in the liturgies of Nestorius and Theodorus are taken from that styled the "Liturgy of the Apostles," and ascribed to Mar Addai and Mar Mari of the Seventy.

  2. 2.0 2.1 Two different collects are substituted in the place of these on the lesser festivals and on ordinary occasions.