Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/262

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violence to cease in all the world, scatter the nations that delight in war, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

Then shall be sung Ps. li. 1—14; cxxiii. 1—4. After which shall follow this prayer over the incense.

Be pleased with our prayers and supplications, Lord our God, and let this sweet odour of our censer be acceptable unto Thee as was the censer of Aaron in the tabernacle. Renew our bodies and souls, and in the multitude of Thy mercies be Thou favourable to Thy creatures, O Thou Creator of all fragrant spices and delicious odours, O Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Then the priest shall prepare to sign and break. He shall draw near with his hands stretched out, and not folded after the manner of some who lack understanding. And he shall incense his hands and face with the cloud of the incense, and shall say:

O Lord our God, sweeten the offensive odour of our pollution with the fragrance of Thy love, and wash us therewith from the defilement of sin, O Thou good Shepherd Who didst go forth to seek after us, and didst find out our wanderings, and Who desirest that we should return unto Thee. Pardon my known and unknown iniquities, through Thy grace and mercy. [To be repeated thrice.] Give Thy blessing, give Thy blessing, O Lord; and O Lord our God, cause the mercies of Thy grace to make us to approach these adorable, holy, life-giving, and divine sacraments, though we be unworthy. [To be repeated thrice from the words: O Lord, our God, cause, &c. And at each repetition of the last sentence the priest shall fold his hands upon his breast in the form of a cross, and shall kiss the centre and the two horns of the altar. After which he shall take the uppermost loaf [or, cake] from the paten with both hands, and lifting his eyes upwards he shall say:]

Praise be to Thy holy name, O Jesus Christ our Lord, and praise be to Thy majesty at all times.

R. Amen.

Priest. Thou living and life-giving Bread which camest down from heaven, and which givest life unto the world, so that whosoever eateth thereof shall never die, and whosoever partaketh