Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/268

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those desirable blessings which pass not away, and which never fade, even as He promised to His disciples, saying: Verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever eateth My body, and drinketh My blood, dwelleth in Me and I in him, and I will raise him up at the last day, and he shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto eternal life; bless, keep, and sanctify this congregation which has now feasted on the power of His glorious, holy, life-giving, and divine sacraments; and be ye sealed and kept through the sign of the vivifying and glorious cross from all evil seen and unseen, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

The following prayers are to be said at the consumption of the elements that remain, and at the washing of the vessels:

Sanctify our bodies by Thy holy body, and pardon our sins through Thy precious blood, and purify our consciences with the hyssop of Thy compassion, O Christ, the hope of our nature.


O Lord, let not Thy living body which we have eaten, and Thy precious blood which we have drunk, be to our judgment and condemnation; but to the pardoning of our sins, the forgiveness of our iniquities, the great hope of the resurrection from the dead, and for a new life in the kingdom of heaven, with all the righteous and just who have approved themselves before Thee, O Christ, the hope of our nature.


Having openly partaken of Thy body, O Christ, the hope of our nature, let Thy hidden power dwell in us, that we may go forth to meet Thee with joy, and to sing to Thee the triple song of praise with the righteous who have perfected Thy will.


Having taken of Thy body from the paten, and drunk of Thy blood from the chalice, make us fit to sing praises unto Thee in paradise with the thief, and with all the righteous who have perfected Thy Will, in the Jerusalem above, O Lord of all.