Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 2.djvu/82

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lust, and to her old age none lusted after her. Her infancy was spotless, and her youth immaculate. Her purity was uncorrupted, and her disposition without disorder. Her heart was full of fear, and her mind full of faith. Her mind believed on the Lord, and her body was guarded against men. She is the eyry in whom the King of Eagles truly dwelt. No nail ever lasciviously pinched her, and the spirit that walketh at noonday never accosted her. She ever abode with her Infant, and after man she never walked. Her body was pure, and her mind full of holiness. She was not luxurious in eating, nor intemperate in desire. She did not put on costly raiment, neither did she pride herself in ornament. What she possessed was nothing, and the fear of the Lord was her teacher. The mourning of Elijah was little compared to hers, and she was incomparably more excellent than Daniel who hated lust. The furnace of contrition did not burn in her, and the hunter of men did not hunt for her body. She did not fall into his snare, neither did she stumble through his wiles. Woe, woe, unto me! what have I said? Little indeed have I declared and spoken! She who delivered our race, whom did she worship? She who loosed our bands, who could bind her? She who became the Mother of the Lord, how could she become a nurse to the son of any other? She who suckled Him Who nurtures all, who can say that she is in need of any one? She who ran after her Son, after whom else could she run? She whom angels ministered unto, what were any earthly ones to her? She whose Son is in the heaven of heavens, who says that any one is to be compared to her? She whom the prophets praise, the apostles also honour and glorify her. Who knows the praises which she is truly worthy of! In her lifetime, men died, and I wonder at this. In her death, men lived, and I wonder at this far more. While living she was dead to the world, and in her death she called the living and gave them life. The prophets issued out of their graves, and the fathers came forth out of the dust; the Apostles, of whom some were dead and others were living and afar off, of these the dead arose, and those afar off came to follow her, and worthily did they revere and praise her as was most fit. Angels from above came, as they were ordered, to do her honour, and the spiritual ones ministered