intending to lead a peaceful life but a marching, military life. Its prayers are not prayers of peace but prayers for its armies and successes.
(:Paul did not pray for the victory of his authorities, for the success of their swords, but that all authorities might live together in peace. He prays for a peaceable life when he says, "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way."6 This is a life pleasing to God.:)Black Market & Demoralization Accompany Wars But the authorities of the world seek a different peace, a freedom to expand in violence and impurity, a freedom for the soldiers to go to markets to buy and to sell, to eat and drink at festivals, to fight and make merry and ribald dances. (:Those who are in authority have the power to proclaim anything they want as articles of faith. Any reasoning supporting their militARy defenses is acceptable,Propaganda and they do it in parliaments and councils, and display it on pedestals as faith for the misled people to believe. It is possible that the Church of Rome is unable to exercise justice with the great temporal dominion she has; she could not deferd it against kings brandishing swords. And so she naturally needs power.