Kopal, L., "P.Chelc̄icke̍ho na̍zory o manz̄elstvi̍, c̄istotē a rodinē." (Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Ideas Concerning Marriage, Chastity, and Family). Besedy casu, vol.XVIII. Prague: 1913.
Krofta, Kamil, "Knēz Jan Protiva z Nove̍ Vsi a Chelc̄icke̍ho Mistr Protiva," (Jan Protiva the Priest of Nova Ves and Chelc̄icky̍'s Master Protiva). C̄asopis c̄eske̍ho musea, Prague: 1874. vol. LXXIV.
, Listy z na̍boz̄ensky̍ch dējin c̄esky̍ch. (Epistles from the Czech Religious History). Prague: 1936.
, Duchovni̍ odkaz husitstvi̍. (The Spiritual Legacy of Hussitişm). With a reprint of an earlier study on Chelc̄icky̍ published in Vodniany in 1913 by the Committee to Erect a Memorial to Chelc̄icky̍. (All this material is included in the supra Listy etc.) Prague: Svoboda, 1946.
, "N.V.Jastrebova studie o Petru Chelc̄icke̍m a jeho dobē," (N.V. Jastrebov's Study of Peter Chelc̄icky̍ and His Times). C̄esky̍ c̄asopis historicky̍, vol. XV.
Kubalkin, S., "Petr Chelc̄icky̍, c̄esky̍ Tolstoj XV. stoleti̍," (Peter Chelc̄icky̍, the Czech Tolstoy of the Fifteenth Century). Prague: Vēstni̍k Evropy, 1909.
Lenz, Ant., Na̍stin uc̄eni̍ Jana Amosa Komenske̍ho a uc̄eni̍ Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho, (Outline of the Teaching of John Amos Comenius and Peter Chelc̄icky̍). Prague: 1895.
, "Papez̄ R̄ehor̄ VII a Petr Chelc̄icky̍," (Pope Gregory VII and Peter Chelc̄icky̍). Vlast, vol.XI
, "Petr Chelc̄icky̍ a slovnik nauc̄ny̍," (Peter Chelc̄icky̍ and the Encyclopaedia), Vlast, vol.XIII.
, "Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho Uc̄eni̍ a Soustava," (The System of the Teaching or Peter Chelc̄icky̍). Prague: Sbornik historicke̍ho krouzku, vol.I.
, "Uc̄eni̍ katolicke̍ o Antikristovi a uc̄eni̍ Petra Chelc̄icke̍ho o tomz̄e, (The Catholic Teaching About the Antichrist and Peter Chelc̄icky̍'s Teaching about the Same). Vlast, vol.XII.
(Lenz was Capitular Provost of Vys̄ehrady, and all his writings present the Catholic point of view).
(Lenz was Capitular Provost of Vys̄ehrady, and all his writings present the Catholic point of view).