Bartos̄, F.M., Hleda̍ni podstaty kr̄est̄anstvi̍ v c̄eske̍ reformaci. (Seeking of the Essence of Christianity in the Czech Reformation). Prague: Kalich, 1939.
, Nicolaus de Pelhr̄imov et Ulricus de Znojmo, Orationes . . . in Concilio Basiliensi Anno 1433. Ta̍bor: Archivium Taboriense, I, 1935.
The Cambridge Medieval History, vol.VIII: "The Close of the Middle Ages." Cambridge: University Press, 1936.
Gindely, A., Böhmen und Mähren im Zeitalter der Reformation, Pt.I, vol.I. Prague: 1857.
Krummel, L., Geschichte der böhmischen Reformation Gotha: 1866.
Lenfant, Jacques, Histoire de la guerre des Hussites et du Concile de Basle. (Supplt. by J.de Beausobre, Lausanne: 1745). Utrecht: Lefebure, 1731.
Martinū, Dr.Johann, Die Waldesier und die husitische Reformation in Böhmen. Wien: Kirsch, 1910.
S̄imek, F., Jakoubek ze Str̄i̍bra, Vy̍klad na zjeveni̍ sv. Jana. (Jakoubek of Stribro: Interpretation of the Revelation of St.John). Prague: 1932.
Vanc̄ura, B., Jednota bratrska̍. (The Unity of Brethren). Prague: Jednota bratrska̍, 1938.
(I. General)
Aquinas, Thomas, Summa Theologica, translated by the Fathers of the English Dominican Province. London: Burns Oates & Washbourne, 1916.
Bābur, Zahīr-ad-Dīn, Memoirs. Translated by A.S.Beveridge.2 vols. London: Luzac, 1922.