Rumex conglomeratus, Mnr., Sharp-leaved Dock, 948*.
Rumex Acetosa, Lin., Common Sorrel, 951.
Rumex Acetosella, Lin., Sheep's Sorrel, 952.
Euphorbia helioscopia, Lin., Sun Spurge, 962.
Euphorbia exigua, Lin., Dwarf Spurge. Near the coast, 971.
Euphorbia Peplus, Lin., Petty Spurge, 972.
Urtica urens, Lin., Annual Stinging Nettle, 978.
Urtica dioica, Lin., Perrennial Stinging Nettle, 979.
Parietaria officinalis, Lin., Common Pellitory. Walls of Beaulieu Abbey, 982.
Humulus lupulus, Lin., Hop, 983.
Ulmus campestris, Sm., Common Elm. Rare in the Forest, 985a.
Salix cinerea, Lin., Grey Sallow, 1010.
Listera ovata, Br., Common Tway-blade. Meadows round Christchurch, 1038.
Epipactis palustris, Sw., Marsh Helleborine. Chewton Glen. Rare. Mr. Rake, however, has found it growing abundantly in the neighbourhood of Fordingbridge, August, 1862, 1040.
Orchis Morio, Lin., Green-winged Meadow Orchis, 1045.
Orchis mascula, Lin., Early Purple Orchis, 1046.
Orchis maculata, Lin., Spotted Palmate Orchis, 1053.
Iris psecdacorus, Lin., Flag Water Iris, 1067.
Galanthus nivalis, Lin., Common Snowdrop. "Bisterne, apparently wild, though it has, doubtless, at some time or another, been planted," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1074.
Allium vineale, Lin., Common Garlic, 1083.
Ornithogalum umbellatum, Lin., Common Star of Bethlehem. "Bisterne. Not truly wild," Rev. H. M. Wilkinson, 1090.
Tamus communis, Lin., Black Bryony, 1104.
Anacharis Alsinastrum, Bab., Chickweed-like American Weed. R. Stevens, Esq., found this straggler, "July 23rd, 1862, at Knapp Mill, in a ditch leading out of the Avon," 1107*
Alisma Plantago, Lin., Greater Water Plantain, 1109.
Sagittaria sagittifolia, Lin., Arrow Head. The Avon, 1113.
Butomus umbellatus, Lin., Flowering Rush. The Avon, 1114.
Triglochin palustre, Lin., Marsh Arrow Grass. Banks of the Avon, 1116.
Potamogeton densus, Lin., Close-leaved Pond Weed, 1118.
Potamogeton crispus, Lin., Curled Pond-weed. 1124.
Potamogeton perfoliatus, Lin., Perfoliate Pond Weed, 1125.
Potamogeton lucens, Lin., Shining Pond Weed, 1126.
Potamogeton natans, Lin., Broad-leaved Pond Weed, 1132.
Zannichellia palustris, Lin., Horned Pond Weed, 1136.
Lemna minor, Lin., Lesser Duckweed, 1138.
Lemna polyrhiza, Lin., Greater Duckweed, 1140.
Lemna trisulca., Lin.. Ivy-leaved Duckweed. The Avon, 1141.
Arum maculatum, Lin., Cuckoo-pint, 1142.
Sparganium simplex, Huds., Unbranched Bur-reed, 1145.
Sparganium ramosum, Huds., Branched Bur-reed. Found it, with Mr. Lees, in ponds at Wootton, 1147.
Juncus conglomeratus, Lin., Common Rush, 1151.
Juncus effusus, Lin., Soft Rush, 1151.
Juncus glaucus, Sibth., Hard Rush, 1152.