Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 01.djvu/49

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B.V.M., Blossod Virgin Mary.
C. {centum), a hundred; chapter; c. (circa),
about; c. century. Also C. = Ccnligrade.
Cantab. (Cantahriiiiriisiii) . Of Cambridge.
C.B., Companion of the Bath.
C.E., CivM Engineer.
cf. or op.. Confer: compare.
ex., Order of the Crown of India.
C.I.E., Companion of the Order of the Indian
C.M.G., Companion of St. Michael and St.
Co., County.
e/o, Care of.
C.O.D., Cash, or collect, on delivery.
Cr., Creditor.
Crese, { crescendo) , In music, more loudly.
C.S.I. , Companion of the Star of India.
cwt., Hundred-weight.
d. (denarius) . Penny: died.
D.C. (dfi capo). From the beginning.
D.C.L., Doctor of Civil Law.
D.D., Doctor of Divinity: doiium dedit.
D.D.S., Doctor of Dental Surgery.
D.G. (Dei gratia), I?y the grace of God: (Deo
^ratios) thanks be to God.
Dim. (diminuendo) . In music, less loudly.
D.Lit., Doctor of Literature.
Do. (Ital. detto, said). Ditto, the same.
D.O.M. (Deo Optimo maximo) , To God the
best and greatest.
Dr., Doctor, debtor.
D.Sc, Doctor of Science.
D.S.O., Companion of the Distinguished Ser-
vice Order.
D.V. (Deo rolente), God willing.
dwt., Pennyweight.
e.g. or ex. gr. (exempli firatia). For example.
et. al. (cf nlii). And others.
etc. (et cetera). And the rest: and so on.
et seq. (et scquentia) , And the following.
F., Fahrenlieit.
f. (forte) , loudly.
F. and A. M.. Free anil Accepted Masons.
F.D. (fidei defensor). Defender of the Faith.
ff. (fortissimo) . Very loud.
f. or flf.. Following.
fl. (floruit). Flourished.
F.M., Field Marshal.
F.R.C.P., Fellow of the Royal College of Physi-
F.R.C.S., Fellow of the Royal College of Sur-
F.R.G.S., Fellow of the Royal Geographical
F.R!s., Fellow of the Royal Society.
F.S.A., Fellow of the Society of Antiqua-
G.C.B. (Knight). Grand Cross of the Bath.
G.C.M.G. (Knight), Grand Cross of St.
Michael and St. George.
G.C.S.I. (Knight), Grand Commander of the
Star of India.
H.B.M.. His (or Her) Britannic Majesty.
H.K.. His Eminence: His KxccUciuy.
H.I.H., His (or Her) Imperial Highness.
H.M.S., His (or Her) Majesty's Service, or
H.S.H., His (or Her) Serene Highness.
I. (impcrator or imperatrix). Eniperor or
ib. or ibid, i ibidem). In the same place.
Id. (idem). The same: (idus). the Ides.
i.e. (id est). That is.
I. U.S.* (lc<ius Hominum .Salrator) , Jesus the
Saviour of men.
Incog. (Ital. incognito) . Unknown.
Inf. (infra). Below.
In loc. (in loco). In the place referred to.
. N.R.I, ilcsus a~arrnus Rex Judawrum),
Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the .lews.
Inst, (instante — mense understood), In the
current (month).
I.O.O.F., Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
J.C.D. (juris civilis doctor). Doctor of Civil
J. P.. Justice of the Peace.
Jr., Junior.
J.U.D. (juris utriusquc doctor). Doctor of
Laws, i.e.. both of civil and canon law.
Kal. (Kalcndxr). Tlic Kalends.
K.C.. King's Counsel.
K.C.B., Knight Commander of the Bath.
K.C.M.G., Knight Commander of St. Michael
and St. Ijeorge.
K.C.S.I.. Knight Commander of the Star of
K.P.. Knight of St. Patrick.
K.T.. Knight of the Thistle.
L. (libra). Pound (in English money).
tb. (libra). Pound (weight).
I.e. (loco citato). In the place cited; (lower
case) snuiU letters in printing.
leg. (te(;o(o) , smoothly.
L.H.D. ) (litterarum humaniorum doctor).
Lift. I). Doctor of Literature, or Letters.
LL.B. (Irrium fcacca/./i/rrH.*:) . Bachelor of Laws
(the double L denoting the plural).
LL.D. [Icgum doctor). Doctor of Laws.
L.S. (lociis siqilli). The place of the seal.
• M., Monsieur; MM., Messieurs (plural);
(meridies) noon.
M.A., Master of Arts.
M.B., Bachelor of iledicine.
M.C., Member of Congress.
M.D. (mcdicince doctor). Doctor of Medicine.
M.E.. Mining or Mechanical Engineer; Meth-
odist Episcopal.
mf. (mcz~o forte). Moderately loud.
M.F.H.. Master of Fox Hounds.
Mile., Mademoiselle.
Mme.. Madame.
M.P., Member of Parliament ; IMethodist Prot-
^r.S. or M.Sc. Master of Science.
MS., JIanuscript: MSS.. manuscripts.
Mus.D. (musica- doctor). Doctor of Music.
N.B. (nota bene). Mark well.
ncm. con. (nemine contradicente) . Unanimous-
n.d., No date.
Non. (noiKT). The Nones.
N.S.. New style.
Ob. (obiit). Died.
O.P. (ordinis prwdicatorum) , Of the Domin-
ican Order.
O.S., Old stvle.
O.S.A., Order of St. Augustine.
O.S.F., Order of St. Francis.
Oxon. (O.poniensis) , Of Oxford.
p. (piano) . Softly.
P.C, Privy Councilor.

This waBoriaiiwlW writtpn ins, the first ttircc firpek let- ters nf the nnmc.Iesiis; hut its orsrin hiivinclio™ lo«t8iirht of, by siihstitiitinc S fnr S and then niiHtiikinc the r.reek H (long el for Ijltin II. a sis;nillcntion was fonml for each letter. The Bynibol was further developeil hv cnnverlinsr the horizontal Btroke, which was the sign of abbreviation, into a cross, in which form it Is the recognized device of the Jesuit order.