Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 02.djvu/314

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eight families occurring being peculiar to Australia. Tailed amphibians are not found in Australia, but eleven families of toads and frogs are present. There is only one family of fish peculiar to the waters of Australia, but many genera are found there which do not occur elsewhere. Australia is relatively poor in insect life. The butterflies are by no means numerous: in South Australia there are less than 35 species, although in Queensland there are over 100. This continent is much richer in beetles than in butterflies, the longicorns being especially abundant.

Mineral Resources. No other single factor has played so important a part in the industrial upbuilding of Australia as her gold mines. Gold drew immigrants to the country; led to a more extensive exploration; established a home market, and led to civilization. Gold was officially reported as early as 1823, yet the gold fever struck the country only in 1851. New South Wales was the scene of the first activity, but within a year there was a rush to the Ballarat district of Victoria, and seven years later to the Canoona district of Queensland. Western Australia was thought to be destitute of the precious metal, and it was not until the nineties that the rush to the Coolgardie districts (300 miles east of Perth) set in. Mining of any consequence in Tasmania began in 1870. South Australia, alone, has failed to contribute largely to the supply of gold. The following table shows the total value of gold obtained in the different States to the end of 1899:

Total Production of Gold until the end of 1899 State Amount Produced Production in 1899 Value Alluvial oz. Quartz oz. Value Miners Employed New South Wales $ 237,000,000 1.271,000,000 236,000,000 11,000,001) 84,000,000 21,000,000 91,477 270,405 21,794 404.719 684,095 925,100 $ 8,000,000 17,000,000 14,000,000 400,000 31,000,000 1,600,000 19 348 Victoria 30 114 9,768 Soutli Australia 1 986 63,208 11,673 1.680,699 72,479 21,000 1,296 Total $1,860,000,000 $72,000,000 83.502

It will be seen that Victoria has produced over two-thirds of the total product, while New South Wales and Queensland follow with 12 per cent. each. Victoria had led constantly until 1897, when she was outstripped by Western Australia, and the output of the latter State in 1899 was nearly double that of the former, although Victoria's output in that year was the greatest since 1882. In this State, as in the others, improved processes (see Gold) and appliances for obtaining both the alluvial and quartz deposits are resulting in a revival of the mining industry. The yield in Queensland for 1899 was the highest on record. The yield in New South Wales exceeded $10,000,000 in 1852 and again in 1862, but after the latter date it greatly decreased until 1888. From 1888 it has constantly increased. The Government, particularly in Victoria, has been very active in furthering the industry. At many points throughout the gold-mining region, and in Western Australia especially, the scarcity of water has been a serious obstacle. It has sometimes been necessary to conduct water great distances; but, of late, means are being devised for storing and utilizing the abundant fall of the short rainy season, and often an adequate subterranean sup-

Mineral Production of Australia State 1871 1881 1891 1899 $ 8,250,000 27.000,000 4.030.000 3.625.000 26.000 126.000 $10,606,000 17.335.000 16.826.000 2,106,000 66,000 3,020,000 $31,980,000 11,696,000 11,600,000 1,830.000 660,000 2,680,000 $30,406,000 Victoria 17,895.000 15,700,000 2,680.000 81.730,000 Tasmania 12,696,000 $43,065,000 $48,945,000 $60,236,000 $111,005,000 Mineral Production IN 1899 State Gold Silver and Silver Lead Copper Tin Coal Other Minerals Total $ 8,755,000 17,090,000 14,190,000 395,000 31,230,000 1,636,000 $10,360,000 60,000 76,000 2,000 $1,975,000 $ 4.60,000 65,000 385.000 900 126.000 1,136,000 $6,626,000 665,000 876,000 $2,230,000 125,000 116,000 160,000 60,000 1,690,000 $30,406,000 17,895,000 45,006 2,030,000 186,000 6,136,000 16,700,000 2,680,000 100,000 85,000 31,730,000 TRHinania i,886,6o6 12,696,000 $73,295,000 $12,362,000 $9,370,000 $2,160,900 $8,260,000 $4,270,000 $111,006,000