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BOITO. 244 BOKHABA. achievement and the most musicianly score brought forward by an Italian prior to the new Italian school. Marguerite's death is one of the most dramatic and deeply moving scenes in all opera. In this country Mefisiofele was produced at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, in 1883, with Campanini and Xilsson. A note- worthy revival occurred at the same house in 1896 with Cahe as Mar>;uerite and Edward de Reszke as Mefisto, and another in 1901 with Plangon in the title-role. Boito's other operas. Ero c Lcandro, Xeronc, and Orcsliade, have never l-een performed. The libretto of the first-named he afterwards gave to Bottesiui (q.v. ) and to Mancinelli (q.v.). He also wrote the libretti for Faccio's Amlfto, Ponchielli's Gioconda, and for Verdi's Olello and Falstaff. BOIVIN, bwii'vaN, Marie Anne Victoire GiLLAix (1773-1841). A French midwife. She w-as educated in a convent and studied anatomy and midwifery at Etampes with a relative, the superior of the Hospitaliferes, and afterwards at the Hotel Dieu of the same place. She received the degree of M.D. from the University of Marburg. After the death of her husband she took the place of midwife in the Maternity Hospital, and in 1801 became chief overseer. She caused the establishment by Chaptal of a special school of accouchement. She refused the brilliant ofi'ers of the King of Prussia in order to remain at her modest post. Her Memorial de I'art des accouchements (1812) is a well-kno^vn work. BOJADOR (l)ri'zha-dor') Cape (Portug., one that juts or bulges). A headland on the western coast of Africa, in latitude 26° 7' N., longitude 14° 30' W., at the northern coast boundary of the Spanish, possessions (Map: Africa, C 2). In consequence of its extreme flatness, and the shoreward tendency of the currents, the coast, extending northward to Cape Nun, abreast of the Canars- Islands, is very dangerous for navigation. The Portuguese doubled this cape in 1433. and from them it received its name Bojador Cape, signifying 'a round cape.' BOJANO, b6-ya'n6 (anciently, Samnite liot'ianiim, Gk. Bolamv, Bo'ianon) . A city in the Province of Campobasso, in Abruzzi and Molise, south Italy, on the Biferno, 18 miles southwest of Campobasso (Map: Italy, J 6). It lies in a deep valley on the northeastern slope of the Matese Mountains, which for four months of the year shut oflf the light of the sun. It is the seat of a sulfragan bishop, and has a cathedral, five churches, and a seminary. There are ruins of a Roman theatre and a temple, and of the walls of the ancient Bovianum, which during the Samnite wars was often besieged. During the Second Punic War it was several times the hcad- <juarters of the Roman Army, and in the great Social War the Confederates, on the fall of Cor- finium, made it their capital. It has suffered preatly from earthquakes, especially in 1805. Population of commune, in 1901, 6337. BOJAR, bA-yiir'. See Boyar. BOJER, bo'ycr, Joiian (1872—). A Nor- wegian author, born in Prontheim. His works include the historical drama Olnf den fleUige (1897, "Saint Olaf"), and the stories Helga (1895) and Den cvigc Krig (1899). BO'KER, George Henry (1823-90). An American poet, dramatist, and diplomatist, bom in Philadelphia. He was the son of a banker, graduated at Princeton in 1842, studied law, but did not practice, and after a tour in Europe pub- lished a volume of poems. The Lesson of Life (1847). His tragedy Calaynos (1848) was staged with success, and he produced many others: Anne Boleyn ; Leonor de Guzman; Francesco da Rimini; The Betrothed; and The iridoii's Marriaae. Of these, Francesco da Rim- ini is considered the best. It has been revived several times by Barrett and other actors. Boker collected his Plays and Poems in two volumes ir 1856. The Civil War inspired him to much patriotic poetry, which made up his Poems of the War (1864). Later volumes of verse were: Street Lyrics (1869); Konigsmark and Other Poetns (1869) ; The Book of the Dead (1882) ; and Sonnets (1886). The interval between these last volumes he spent largely in diplomatic ser- vice. He was appointed minister to Turkey in 1871, and transferred to Russia in 1875, where he remained till 1879. Boker'.s poems and dramas are much above the average in style and power, but have never achieved real popularity. The aftermath of his muse is a volume of Satinets published in 1886. BOKELMANN, boliel-man, Christian Lud- wtG (1844-94). A German painter. He was born at Saint Jiirgen, studied under Wilhelni Solin at the Diisseldorf Academy, and won a reputation as a painter of portraits and of genre pictures, both humorous and serious. The best of his works are "House of Sorrow" (1873); "Pawnbroker's Shop (1876) ; "Opening of the Will" (1879) ; and "Portrait of Klaus Groth." His subjects are taken from modern life and are vivid repre- sentations of such scenes as occur in any large city. There are usually many figures in his pic- tures, grouped against an impressive architec- tural background. BOKHARA, bo-Kii'-ra, or Bikiiara. A Rus- sian protectorate in Central Asia, bounded by Russian Turkestan on the north, the Pamir region on the east, Afghanistan on the south, and the Russian Trans-Caspian Territory and Khiva on the west (Map: Asia, Central, .J 2). It lies approximatelv between latitudes 37° and 42° N. and longitude's 62° and 72° E. The e.xtent of its area cannot lie ascertained with accuracy, owing to the unsettled state of some of the boun- dary- lines. (Jeneral estimates vary from 80,000 to 93,000 square miles. A considerable extent of the country consists of desert land and steppes, interspersed with fruitful oases. The eastern part is very moun- tainous. The most fertile and cultivated regions are found along the rivers. The chief river is the Amu Darya, which forms the southern boundary and Hows close to the western boundary, and with its tributaries drains a large part of the country. The Scrafshan flows through the northwestern part, losing itself in the sands a short distance from the Amu Darya. The climate is wann and generally healthful. The summers are hot, and the winters very cold, with considerable snowfall. The rainfall is very scant, and occurs mostly in tile spring. Agriculture forms the chief occupation, and according to current estimates about 10 per cent, of the total area is under cultivation. 'The