Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 03.djvu/441

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BOYD. 889 BOYER. small mercenary force, retained in the service of various native princes. Having returned to the United States in 1808, he was in the same year appointed colonel of the Fourth Infantry, and in 1811 distinguished himself at the hattle of Tippecanoe. During the War of 1812. with the rank of hrigadier-general, he was notably promi- nent at the capture of Fort George, Canada, and at Chrysler's Field. He published a pamphlet, Documents and Facts Relative to Militaiit Kvciits Dtirivri the Late War (1810), containing the text of a memorial communicated to the War Department in protest against his non- retention as an officer in the peace establish- ment. BOYD. Zach-^bt (1585-165.3). A Scottish divine. He was born at PenkiU, Ayrshire, Scot- land, about 1585; was educated at Kilmarnock, and studied at the universities of Glasgow and Saint . drews and the Protestant College of Sauniur in France, of which latter he was in Kill appointed a regent or professor, and is said to have declined the principalship. The persecutions of the Protestants in France caused him to return to Scotland in 1023. and he he- came minister of the Barony Parish, Glasgow, and was thrice elected rector of the university of that city. His principal prose work, The Last liatteil of the Soiile in Death, was pub- lished at Edinburgh in 1629, in two volumes. He was author of eighteen other works, chiefly of a religious cast. His Bible songs and his Psahnes of David in ileeter appeared at Glas- gow in 1648. He died in 1653, leaving nmncrous JISS. and his library, with a considerable leg- acy, ia the University of Glasgow, and his bust is now preserved in its library. Among his MSS. is a collection of quaint poems on Scrip- tural subjects, entitled Zion's Floirers, usually called Zachary Boyd's Bible. Gabriel Neil re- printed at Glasgow, in 1831, Boyd's Last Bat- tell, and published a life of Boyd, in 1855, with four poems from Zion's Floioers. Four Letters of Comforts for the Deaths of the Earle of Ilad- ingtoun and of the Lord Boyd, originally 1040, were reprinted in fac-simile at Edinburgh, 1878. BOY'DELL, John (1710-1804). An English engracr and publisher of prints. He was bom at Dorrington, Shropshire. January 10, 1719, studied engraving in London for several years, and was a designer and painter in water-colors, but won celebrity chiefly as a patron of art. The works of British engravers, through his in- fluence, rose to such a high degree of excellence that they were sought after by all Europe, and the importation of foreign prints at that time in a great measure ceased. He then directed his attention to the art of painting, undertak- ing to illustrate Shakespeare from the works of English artists. In bringing this project to completion he expended thirty thousand pounds, and no less than 170 pictures were re(|uired for tliis great work. His Shakespeare Gallery was ready for the |)ublic in 1780. In 1805, owing to pecuniary embarrassment, all his artistic pro|>ertv was sold by lottery; but Boydell died U'fore "the lottery was held. In 1782 he was elected alderman, and in 1700 lord mayor. At a Royal Academy dinner in 1789 Sir .Joshua Reynolds toasted" him as the 'commercial Ma;- cenas of England.' BOY'DEN, Setii (1785-1870). An American invcntiir. born in Massachusetts. He invented a machine for splitting leather and a process for making spelter. In 1820 he made the first nuiUeable cast iron. Among his other inventions was one for making hat - bodies, and a proc- ess for making Russia sheet iron. He built the first successful locomotive that had the cyl- inders outside of the frame. BOYD'S. The courtyard in front of the White Horse Inn, where Dr. .lohnson aliglited on his first arrival in Edinburgh, as narrated by Boswell. It has since been swept away to make room for modern houses and streets. BOYE, bo'ye, C.sp.k Johannes (1791-1853). A Danisli preacher and poet, born at Kongs- berg. Norway. He studied theologii' in Copen- hagen, was pastor of various parishes, and from 1847 in Copenhagen. He was known as a trans- lator of Walter Scott, but established his repu- tation chiefly by his dramas, the best of which are the three tragedies: Juta (1823); fivend Grathe (1824) ; and Erik den Si/rende (1827). His collected poetic works appeared at Copen- hagen in 1850-51. BOYEN, b(yyen. Hermann von (1771-1848). . Prussian field-marshal. He was born at Kreuzburg, East Prussia, and was descended from an ancient noble family of Bohemia. In 1800 he entered the War Department of the I'russian Government, where he counseled the abolition of the militia system and the intro- duction of general nnlitar- duty. As director of the War Department he acted as the confidential adviser of the King from 1810 to 1812. He was afterwards appointed Prussian Minister of War, in which capacity he introduced the law of com- pulsory military service (September 3, 1814). Upon his retirement in 1847 he was raised to the rank of field-marshal. His services in behalf of Prussia were recognized in an address bv Emperor William I. to the senior members of the Order of the Iron Cross, March 31, 1871. The Emperor said: "Recognizing that we have onlv built upon the foundations laid in 1813, 1814, 1815, we should fitly appreciate the splen- did services of the men of that epoch, and not- ably those of Boyen." BOYER, bwii'ya'. Alexis, Baron de ( 1757- 1833). A Frencli surgeon. He was a barber- surgeon's apprentice, then studied medicine, and soon won recognition. In 1787 he was appointed second surgeon to the Ilopital de la Charite at Paris, and afterwards was i)rofessor. first of operative surgery, and then of clinical surgery, at the Ecole de Sante. In 1804 he was appointed first surgeon to Napoleon. After the Restora- tion Boyer became professor of practical surgery in the University of Paris, and first surgeon at the Ilopital de la Ch.irite. In 1823 he was ap- pointed consulting surgeon to the King, and in 1825 was admitted a member of the Institute. His best-known works are his Traitc complet d'anatomie. 4 vols. (1707-90) and his Traite des maladies chirurgicales et des operations qui letir conricnneni, 8 vols. (1814-22). BOYER, Jean Baptiste de. See Aroens, Manpiis d'. BOYER, Jean Pierre (1770-1850). A gen- eral and President of the Repiblic of Haiti. He was a mulatto. He was born at Port-au-Prinoe,