Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 03.djvu/634

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BROWN. 558 BROWN. ayriology : Its Use and Abuse in Old Testament Stiidji (1SS5), and fontrihutioiis In periodicals, but his chief attention lias, since ISS;!, been given to the preparation, in collaboration with Drs. BrigfTS and Driver, of the fJehrcu- and English Lexicon of the Old Testament (New York, 1891, part I'. lilOl), based on Gesenius. BROWN, Sir George ( 1790-180.5) . A British soldier. He was born in Scotland : entered the army in ISOli, and was present at the capture of Copenhagen. He distinguished himself in the Peninsular War. was sent with General Ross to the United States in 1814, was severely wounded at the battle of Bladensburg, and was pro- moted to be a lieutenant-colonel for his gal- lantry. For the lie.xt twenty-five years he served as a stafT ollicer, becoming adjutant-general in 1850. and lieutenant-general in 18.51. He then served in the Crimean War (1854-55). and at the battle of Inkerman (November 5, 1854) he was severely wounded, and obliged td retire for a short time to Malta. In the expedition to the Sea of Azov, he commanded the British troops; and in the first unsuccessful attack on the redan of Sebastopol. he had the chief command of the storming party. He was created G.C.B. in 1855. and the next year was ra.ised to the rank of general. In 1860 he became commander-in-chief in Ireland. BROWN, George (1818-80). A Canadian journalist and statesman. He was born in Scot- land, but removed to New York in his youth, and in 1843 settled in Toronto, where he founded the Globe new.^paper (1844). He entered Parlia- ment in 1852, and in 1858 formed the Brown- Dorion Ministry. Three das later he resigned in consequence of a vote of want of confidence. From lS(i4 until his resignation in 18(15, he was . leader of the Reform element in the coalition Gov- ernment. He entered the Senate in 1873, and in 1874 was joint plenipotentiarj- with Sir Edward Thornton to negotiate a commercial treaty with the United States. In 1880 he was shot by a discharged employe, and died a few weeks ' later. Consult Mackenzie, Life and Speeches of the Hon. George Brown (Toronto, 1882). BROWN, George (183.5 — ). An American naval dHUcr. He was born in Indiana, and en- tered the navy as a midshipman in 184!). He sen'ed throughout the Civil War, especially dis- tinguishing himself on the night of February 24, 18(53, when, in command of the Indianola at Palmyra Island, he defended himself for an hour and a half against four Confederate gun- boats. Finally he was wounded and taken pris- oner and his vessel was destroyed. He became a commander in 1866 and a rear-admiral in 1893. From that time until his retirement in 1897 he commanded the Norfolk, Va., Navy Yard. BROWN. George Lorino (1814-89). An American jiainter. born in Boston. He stud- ied wood-engraving under Alonzo Hartwell. and when sixteen went abroad and remained two years. On his return lie became a pupil of Wash- ington Allston. In 1840 he went to Paris and entered Isabey's studio. .-Vmong his pictures are "Doge's Palace and Grand Canal," "Bay of Naples," and "A Moonlight Scene." "The Crown of New England" (ISC.l) and the "Bay of New York" (18(10) were acquired by Edward VII. One was bought by him. and the other given him on his visit to America when he was Prince of Wales. BROWN, George Wili-iam (1812-90). An American jurist. He was born in Baltimore, -Md.. graduated in 1831 at Kutgers, was subse- quently admitted to the bar, and was elected mayor of Baltimore in ISUO. On .iuil 19. 1801. he nuirched through the city at the head of the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment, then on its way to the defense of Washington, and exerted him- self to the utmost to quell the riot which had arisen. He was a member of the Maryland con- stitutional convention of 1867, and Chief Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore from 1873 to 1888. For a number of years he was professor of international and constitutional law in the Uni- versity of Maryland, and he was one of the three compilers of the first Digest of the Decisions of the Maryland Court of Appeals (1847). He pub- lished numerous addresses, such as The Origin and (Iroirth of Civil Liberty in Maryland ( 1850) . besides a Sketch of the Life of Thomas Donald- son (1881), and Baltimore and the 19th April, ISdl (1887). BROWN, GooLD (1791-1857). An Ameri- can grannnarian. He was born in Providence. R. I., and for twenty years was a teacher in New Y'ork. lie published a series of excellent Eng- lish grammars, including .4 (Irammar of English dranunars (1851), an exhaustive and highly valuable treatment of the subject. BROWN, Harvev (1796-1874). An Ameri- can soldier, born in Bridgetown (now part of Eahway), N. J. He graduated at West Point in 1818; was aide-de-camp to Jlajor-General Brown, then conunanding general of the United States Army, in 1824-25; and. as lieutenant- colonel, took part in the Seminole War of 1835- 38. In the Mexican War he served as major under both General Taylor and (icncral Scott, and earned special mention for gallantry at Mon- terey, Cerro Gordo, Contreras, and the Gate of Belen, City of ilexico. For his services in the last two engagements he was brevetted lieu- tenant-colonel and colonel respectively. In 1852- 53 he again served against the Seminoles in Florida and in 1859-60 was inspector of artillery. At the outbreak of the Civil War he was in command at Washington and Fort McHenry (from .Tanuary to .pril, 1861), and was then placed in ciinuuand of Fort Pickens, Fla., where he earned the brevet rank of brigadier-general by his "gallantry and good conduct' in repulsing a Confederate attack on November 22-23, 1801. He was afterwards in command of the defenses of New Y'ork Harbor from April. 1802. to August. 1863, was military commander of the city of New York from .January 15 to .luly 16. 1803, and earned the brevet rank of major-general for his distinguished services in the suppression of the riots there on .luly 13-16. (See Dl{.Fr KlOTS l New York.) On August 1, 1863, he was retired from active service. BROWN, Henry Bii.i.tngs (1836—). An .American jurist, one of the associate justices of the United States Suprenu> Court. He was born in Lee. Mass., graduated at Yale in 1850. traveled in Europe for a year, and tipon his return studied law at the Yale and Harvard Law Schools. He (hen removed to Detroit. Mich., where he was admitted to the bar in 1800. From 1803 to 1808 he was assistant United States district attorney