Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 03.djvu/718

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BUGLE. 636 BUHLER. Quick. Reveille. g 2z m^ JS= Slow. Taps. JKoderate. Retreat. For further information, consult Littleton,^ Trutnpelcr's Uand-hook and Instructor (Kansas City. l'J02). BXI'GLOSS (Fr. huglosse, Lat. huglossa, from Gk. /Joif, 6oHs, ox + y'f.unaa, glossa, tongue). A name jiopularly applied to many plants of the order Boragiiiaeea", as to the species of Anehusa or alkanet (q.v.), etc. In some botanical works the name is confined to the genus Lycopsis, which difi'ers from Anehusa in the curiously curved tube of the corolla, and of which one species (Lycopsis arvensis) is a common weed in grain fields- in Great Britain. The beautiful genus Eehium is called viper's bugloss. See ViPEii's Bugloss. BU'GONG. A food prepared by the native Australians from a butterfly of the genus Danais. See DanaXs. BTJGtrBUSLAN, boo'goo-roo-slan'. A dis- trict town of the Russian Government of Sa- mara, situated on the river Kinel, 178 miles northeast of Samara (Map: Russia, H 4). It contains a monastery, and the chief occupations of its inhabitants are farming and gardening. There is some trade in local products. Popula- tion, in 1897, 12,141, including about 1200 JIo- hammedans. The town was foimded in 1748. BU'HACH. See Fi.eabake. BTJHI, boo-e'. A town of Luzon, Philippines, in the southern part of the Province of the Camarines. It. is situated on the bank of Lake Buhi. 34 miles southeast of Nueva CSeeres. Population, in 1898, about 10,000. BUHL, biJol, Ludwk; von (1816-80). A Ger- man physiologist, born in Munich. He did mudi work in physical diagnosis, pathological anat- omy, and microscopy. In 1850 he became pro- fessor of general pathology and pathological anatomy at the University of Munich, and in 1875 was appointed director in the pathological institute in that city. His most important pub- lication is the treatise on pulmonary diseases TS^ entitled Lungenentziindung. Tuherkulose und r^ achwindsiickt' (S7i; 2d ed. 1874). BtJHLEB,, by'ler, Hans der, or Hans von BriiFi,. A media-val German poet of the Fif- twntli Century. He was born in Alsace, and .it tlie beginning" of the Fifteenth Century was in the service of Frederick 111. of Saarwerden, Archbishop of Cologne. His two principal poet- ic productions, both of which are based upon popular romances, are respectively entitled, Die Ktinigstochter von Frankrcich (1400) and Dioclctians Lehen (1412), published by Keller (1841). BtJHLEB, JoiiANN Georo (1837-96). A German-British Sanskrit scholar and Indologist, boni at Borsted, in the kingdom of Hanover,