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CHEMISTRY. 5- Periodic Law), and thus the correctness of the latter was confirmed in a very striking manner. The lurllier profjress of j;eneial chemistry has been mainly in connection with the various sub- divisions of ])hysical chemistry, liiief liistorical accounts of which may he found under Re.c- Tiox; SoLiTioN; Dissoci.Tiox ; Thermochemis- try ; and Electrochemistry. See also the article L.BORATORY. Co.NCLUSiox. In conclusion, we could not do letter than emphasize, with Dr. F. W. Clarke, the necessity of systematization of chemical re- search. The birth of general scientific ideas may be beyond control: but the search of em])irical knowledge, which uuist form the basis for all generalizations, can and ought to be organized instead of being left entirely to the inclinations of individual investigators. Some organization of research has been realized at the (lennan inii- vcrsities. with splendid results; and further (U- ganization is certain to yield an even more abun- dant crop. LITERATURE. In a science whose progress is so [)benonienally rapid as that of chemistry, even the l)est books are likely, within a few years of ))ublication. to lose more or less of their original value. Xever- theless, it is safe to say that most of the follow- ing works will, in the ordinary course of events, retain their interest for a number of years to come. The list includes some of the best-known modem works on dcscrijitive. theoretical, and technical chemistrj-. More specialized works are noted in the articles on various chemical tojiics. Inorganic .xi) Organic Chemistry'. Remsen, Julroductloii to the ^tiidi/ of Chemistry (Xew York. IS'.)'}) : Remsen. Inorganic Chemistry (Xew York, 1895) : Erdmann. Lchrhuch der an- oryanischcn Chemic (Brunswick. 1900) : Ost- wald, Grundlinien der cinoryanischen Chemie ^Leipzig, IflOO) : Mendeleeff, The Principles of l^hcmistry, translated by Kamensky (2 vols., London, 1892) : Rem.sen, An Jnfroduction to the Study of the Compounds of Carbon (Boston, 189.5) : Perkin and Kijijiing, Oryanie Chemistry (London, 1894) ; Meyer (Victor) and Jacobson, Lchrhuch der oryanisclien Chemie (2 vols., 1893- 90) : Richter, Chemistry of the Carbon Com- pounds, translated hv Smith (Philadelphia. 1891 : new Oerinan edition, Bonn, 1900) ; Friedel, ('ours dc chimic oryanique (Paris, 1887) ; Behal, Traile de chimic oryanique (2 vols., Paris, 189fi- 97): Dammer, Unndbuch der anorqanisch<'n Chemie (o vols., Stuttgart. 1892-1902) : Beil- stein, Handhueh der oryanischcn Chemic {5 vols.. Hamburg, 189.1-1901) ; Roscck? and Schorlenuner. .1 Treatise on Chemistry (9 vols.. New York, 1 878-92 K Theoretical and Physical Chemistry-. Van Deventer, Phi/sikalischc Chemie fiir Anfiinqer (Leipzig. 1897): Meyer (Lothar), Modern The- ories of Chemistry, translated by Bedson and Williams (Lcmdon. 1888: new German edition, Leipzig, 1899) : Ostwald, Outlines of General Chemistry, translated by Walker (London, 1890; new German edition. Leipzig. 1899) ; Xernst, Theoretical Chemistry, translated by Palmer (London, 189.'); new German edition. Stuttgart, 1900) ; Van't Iloff, Vorlesnnyen iibrr thcoretische vnd physikalischc Chemie (Brunswick. 1898- 1901); Ostwald. Lchrhuch der aUyemcinen Chemie (Leipzig, 1891-90) ; Cannizzaro. Ahriss eines Lehrganges der theorctischcn Chemic (Leip- 4 CHEMISTRY. zig, 1891) ; Wurtz, The Alomic Theory, trans- lated by Cleminshaw (London, 1880) ; Xoyes, (Icneral Principles of Physical Science (Xew York, 1902). Teaching and Experimentation. Arendt, Didal:lil,- and Methodik dcs Chemie-Unterrichts (JIunich, 1895) ; Arendt, Tcchnik dfr Experi- mcntalchcmie (Hamburg, 1900) ; Chandler, The Construction of Chemical Laboratories ('ash- ingtou, 1893). iNuiSTRiAL Chemistry-. Wagner, Manual of Chemical Technology, translated by Crookes (London, 1894) ; Ost. Lehrbuch der technischcn Chemie (Hanover, 1900); Lunge (editor), Chcmiseh-technische Vntersuchungsmclhodcn (3 vols., Berlin. 1899-1900) ; Sadtler, .t Handbook of Industrial Organic Chemistry (Philadelphia, lUOO) : Dammer, Handbuch der chemisehen Tech- nologic (5 vols., Stuttgart, 1895-98). H0U.SEH01.I) (JiiEMlSTRY. Richards (Mrs. E. H.), The Chemistry of Cooking and Clea7iing (Boston, 1882) ; Lassar-Cohn. Die Chemie im liiglichen Lehcn (Hamburg, 1900). Dictionaries, ^^■atts, .1 Dictionary of Chem- istry, edited by ^Morley and Muir (4 vols.. Lon- don. 1890-94) ; M'urtz. Diclionnaire dc chimie pure et appliquec (5 vols., 1807-70, and supple- nu'nt ; second supplement. Vol. L, edited by Friedel, 1891-94: Vol. 11. in progress); Laden- burg. Handuortcrbuch der Chemic (13 vols., Breslau, 1883-95) ; Richter, Lcxikon der Koh- Icnsloffvcrhindnngen (2 vols., Hamburg, 1900) ; Stohmann and Kerl (editors), Muspratt's Ency- klopiidischcs Handhueh der tcchnischen Chemie (8 vols.. Brunswick. 1880-1900) ; Thorpe. A Dic- tionary of Applied Chemistry (London, 1890-92). History'. Kopp, t<onst und Jctzt in der Chetnie, a popular lecture (Brunswick, 1807) : Wurtz, IJistoire dcs doctrines ehimiques (Paris, 1809); Meyer (Ernst), .1 History of Chemistry, trans- lated by JP(»owan (Xew York, 1891; new Ger- man edition.' Leipzig. 1894) : Kopp, (leschiehlc der Chemic (Brunswick. 1843-17) : l.op]i. Peitriige zur (leschiehlc der Chemic (Brunswick, 1809-75) ; Berthelot, La chimie an moycn tiye (Paris, 1893) ; Berthelot, La revolution chimique (Paris, 1890) ; Tilden, Short History of the Progress of Scientific Chemistry in Our Oirn Time (London, 1899) : Ladenhurg, Die Entu-ickclung der Chemie in den lefzten :>0 Jahren (Stuttgart. 1900); Scliorlenimer. The Rise and Dcrelopmcnt of Or- ganic Chemistry (London, 1894): Roscoe and Harden, .1 Xew View of the CIrigin of Dallon's Atomic Theory (Xew York, 1890)"; Dalton, Gay- laissac, Avogadro. Papers on the Foundation of the Molecular Theory (reprinted, E<linburgh, 1893). Ostwald's Klassikcr der cxaklcn Wissen- sehaflen (Leipzig) includes edited reprints of many important i)aiiers. Periodicals. herichte der deulsehen chemis- ehen Oesellschaft (Berlin) : Journal of the C/icm- ical Society of London (London) : Itulletin de la Soeictc chimique de Paris (Paris); Journal of the American Chemical Society (Xew York); Zeilschrifl fiir physikalis<-he Clicmie (ljei])zig) ; Chemiscjtes Centralblatt (Hamburg) ; Jahrbnch der Chemie (Brunswick) ; Zeitschrift fiir den physikalischrn und chemisehen Vntcrricht (Ber- lin) ; American Chemical Journal (Baltimore). BlIlLlOGRAPHY-. Bolton, .1 Select Ilihlioqraphi/ of Chemistry, ]'i!)2-lS92 (Washington.' 1893; first supplement, for 1492-1897, Washington, 1899).