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CHINESE EMPIRE. 658 CHINESE EMPIRE. provisions Russia apreed gradually to retire from JManiliuria in eighteen months. Russia's control over the Manehiiriaii Hallway, however, was to remain unimpaired. Bibliography. Bibliographies of China com- prise: Covirdier, Hibliothcca ^'iMici ( 3 vols., Paris, 1880-95): Reynolds-Ball, '"A Modem Bibliog- raphy of China," in l.itcriiturc. Vol. VI 1. (Lon- don, 1900) : Windi'ver, "China and the Far Kast," being liiblioyraphy ^o uf the .V( ic York State Library, Jliill'elin oi) (Albany, 1901). Some of the more important works may be classified as follows: (1) For general reference: Williams. Tlic Mid- dle Kingdom (New York, 1883) : Ball, Things Chinese (New York, 1900) ; Scidmore, China, the Long-Livcd Empire (New York, 1900) ; La Chive, Expansion dcs grandcs puissances, en ex- treme-orient, 1S'Jo-ii8 (Paris, 1899). (2) Description and natural resources: Hue, Through the Chinese Empire (2 vols.. New Y'ork, 1855; Chicago, 1000) : Thomson, China and Its People (4 vols., I^ondon, 1873-74), and Through China uifh a r«»Hf;ra (London. 1808) : Richthofen, China, Ergebnisse eigener Keisen und darauf gegriindeter Studien (3 vols., Berlin, 1877-83), and Sehantung und seine Eingnngspforle Eiau- Ischou (Berlin, 189S) ; Playfair, Cities and Toicns of China (Hong Kong, 1879) ; Edkins, Modern China: Thirty-one Essays (Shanghai. 1S91); Gundry, China, Present and Past (London, 1895) ; Martin, .4 Cycle of Cathay (New Y'ork, 1807) .: CoUjuhnun, Overland to China (New York, 1900) ; Bishop, The Yang-tse Valley and Beyond (New York, 1900) : Wolf, /»n Innern Chinas (Stuttgart, 1900) : Chisholm. "The Re- sources and Means of Comnumioation in China," in (leographical Journal. Vol. XII., No. 5 (Lon- don. 1898) : Navarni. China und die Chinesen (Bremen, 1901); Wilda, Von Hongkong nach Moskau (Altenlmrg, 1902). (3) Government and laws: Mayers, The Chi- nese Government (Shanghai, 1886 and 1897) ; Koss, The Manchns, or the Reigning Dynasty of China (London, 1880) ; Staunton. Tat sing-Leu- Lee: The Penal Code of China (London. 1810) ; Alabaster, Chinese Criminal Law (London, 1899). (4) Religion and civiliaition : Johnson. Ori- ental Religions: China (Boston, 1877); Eikins, Religion in China (Boston, 1878), and Chinese liuddhism (Boston, 1880) ; Douglas, Confucian- ism and Taoism (London, 1879) ; Deal. Bud- dhistn in China (New Y'ork, 1884) ; Wilson, China: A Study of Its Civilization and Possi- bilities (New York, 1887 and 1901); Terrien de Lacouperie, Western Origin of Early Chinese Civilization (London, 1894) ; Groot, Religious ftystems of the Chinese (4 vols., Leyden. 1894- 1901 ) : Hcig, Die Religion und Eultur Chinas (Berlin. 1900). (5) Character, manners, and customs: Davis, The Chinese (New York, 1836) ; Doolittle, Social Life of the Chinese (2 vols.. New Y'ork. 1876) ; Tcheng Ki-Tong. The Chinese, Painted by Them- selves (London. 1887): Lee Yan Phou, When I uas a Boy in China (Boston, 1887) : Simon, La ci7i' ehinoise (Paris. 1890): Smith, Chinese Characteristics (London, 1S92), and Village Life in China (New Y'ork, 1899) : Douglas, So- ciety in China (London, 1894): Fickle, .1 Cor- ticr of Cathay (New York. 1894) : Holcomhe, The Real Chinaman (New Y'ork, 1895) ; Bard, Lcs Chinois chez eux (Paris, 1899) ; Little, Inti- mate China (London, 1901); Wu Ting Fang, "Chinese Civilization," University Record, 'ol. V. (Chic;go, 1901). (0) Commerce: Schumacher, "Die Organisa- tion des Fremdenhandels in China." Jahrbucher fur Gesetzgcbu/ig, Vol. XXIII. (Berlin, 1899); La mission lyonnaise d'lxpluration commcrciaU en Chine (Lyims, 1S98) ; liereslord. The Break- up of China (New York, 1899) ; Parker, China: Her History, Diplomacy, and Vommerce (New York, 1901), (7) Economics: Raveneau, "La Chine ^cono- mique," in Annales de g6ographie. Vol. VIII. (Paris, 1809) : Parsons, An American Engineer in China (New York, 1900): Schumacher, "Eisenbahnbau und Eisenbahnplane in China, ' in Archie fiir Eisenbahnwesen (Berlin, 1899-1900). (8) , Literature: l.«gge. The Chinese VUissies (5 vols.. Hong Kong, lStil-72) ; ilartin, The Chi- nese: Their Education, Philosophy, and Letters (New Y'ork, 1881), and The Lore of Cathay (New York, 1901) ; Watters, Essays on the Chi- nese Language (Shanghai, 1896) ; Giles, A His- tory of Chinese Literature (London, 1901) ; Douglas, Chinese Stories (Edinburgh, 1895). (9) Hi-story: Semmedo, History of China and of the Late Tartar Invasion (London, 1655); Brine, The Taeping Rebellion (London, 1862); Giles, Historic China (London, 1882) ; Uoulger, History of China (3 vols.. London, 1881-84): Bretschneider, Media:val Researches from East Asiatic Sources (2 vols., London. 1888) ; Hirth, China and the Roman Orient (Leipzig, 1885) ; Inouye. The Japan-China War ( Yokoliama, 1895) ; Vladimir, The China-Japan War (London, 1896) ; Williams, History of China (New York, 1897) ; Macgowan, History of China (London, 1897); Allan, Under the Dragon Flag (New Y'ork, 1898) ; Krebs, Chinesisehe Eriege scit IS'iO und seine hcutigen Streitkriifte (Berlin, 1900) : Ed- wards, The Story of China (London, 1900) ; Micliie, The Englishman in China (2 vols., Lon- don, 1900) ; Parker. .1 Thousand Years of the Tartars (London. 1895) ; Lynch, The War of the Civilizations (London. 1901). (10) Missions, politics, and foreign relations: Staunton. Earl Macartney's (q.v.) Embassy to China (London, 1797); Hue, Christianity in China, Tartnry, and Tibet (3 V(ds., London, 1857) ; Oliphant, Earl Elgin's Mission to ('hina (New York, 1860) ; Conienge, Los Chinos; social y politico (.Manila, 1894) : Poole and Dickens, The Life of Sir Harry Parkes (London, 1894) ; C'urzon, Problems of the Far East (London, 1894) ; Jenkins, The Jesuits in China (London, 1894) : The Anti-Foreign Riots in China in ]S!)1 (Shanghai, 1892) : Norman, Peoples and Politics in the Far Enst (l^mihm, 1S95): S]>eer. .l/i»- sions and Polities in China (New Y'ork. 1900) ; Michie, China and Christianity (Boston. 1900); Colquhoun, China in Transformation (London, 1898) : Krausse, China in Decay, with bibliog- raphy (London, 1808) ; Reinsch, World Polities at the End of the yinetcenth Century, as Influ- enced by the Oriental Situation (New Y'ork, 1900) ; Wen Ching, The Chinese Crisis from Within (London, 1900) ; ?lolcomlx>. The Real Chinese Question (New York. 1900): Ijcroy- Beaulieii. The Auakcninq of the East, translated by R. Davey (New York, 1900) : Will, World Cri.^is in China (Baltimore, 1900) : Chang Chih- tung, China's Only Hope, translated by Wood-