Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 07.djvu/80

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ENCYCLOPEDIA. 154 ENCYCLOPAEDIA. to the dictionary. These two lines of develop- ment have actually met in the Grand diction- naire universel du XlXei (1865-78), in sixteen volumes (two supplementary volumes were added later), of Pierre Larousse. 'This is a comprehensive dictionary (etymological and denning) of the French language, and at the same time includes proper names and a vast amount of encyclopaedic information. Although marred by many imperfections, it is an exceed- ingly useful 1 k. Its method has been followed in several other smaller dictionaries, but it can- not, yet be said to be approved by lexicographers. Such a complete combination of the two classes of material i- regarded, properly, as mechanical, and. for other reasons, theoretically objectionable, however useful it may be. It is commonly held, in brief, that the encyclopaedia, in encroaching upon the dictionary, should stop at the point where the true work of the latter begins — name- ly, the systematic collecting of the common words of the language 1 detailed statement of lin- and history: while the dictionary, in invading the encyclo] lie field, should exclude proper names and include only the technical and general information which is i nected naturally with its definitions, strictly so railed. This limitation is observed in the dictionaries of which The Century Dictionary: An Encyclopei i < ; Dl), edited by W. D. Whitney. is iii,- ],:,i-i ii, ,uiMe example. The growth of the encyclopaedia has kept pace with the ad- vance of knowledge and of industry. History, the various branchi oi -him, md technology, biography, theology, commerce, politics, the fine arts, ei ,, ire ill admirablj represented in spe- eial i this hind. Among the most im- portant are the encyclopaedias of biography. Some excellent examples "t il'i- class date from iii,- eenth and eighteenth centuries; but those produced in the nineteenth century are much n ■ numerous, and. in several cases, far i ■<• comprehensive. The mosi notable of these i biographical works are: the /;,,,,,,. unir, r si i .'. i moderne 85 vols., 1^1 1- 62, including supplement; 2,1 ed., 15 "Is.. 1842- i roseph and Louis I iabi iel Michaud; the

,, , -. depuis les U 

lis phis , nos j ntre i 16 vols., 1852- 86 i . edited bj 1 1, ,1, r j and the Dictionat ,,i — ti Biography (66 vols., 3 supplementary, 1885 L901 I, e,lii,,| by Leslie Stephen and Sidnej Lee s,n t the " ■ noteworthy general encyclo- published during I hi nineteenth cenl ,„,• | . ,| above, are ' he follow oil- : In 1 li-li : The / 'IX vols., is 30) . edited by Sir David Brewster; the / ,,, ,.,. lopadia "■ tropolitana I 30 Md-., 1818 15), edited by Edward Smedley, Hugh J. [lose, and It, in -, .1 Rose onlj in purl alphabet ioalrj is:;:; , edited by I'll. i- iii for the Society f<>r Useful 3 i] ' edited b; u ranged bj ul :l 3 in volt . I860 i'.- i ditcd bj Vndrew l in dialer, the new ■-■lit ion edited by I >a id Pal ri< : 14 vi I VI ' •i. ■■•. e,i . [873 76), edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana; Johnson's Hen Universal Cyclopedia i 1S74-78; revised, as Johnson's I niversal ii/clo- pwdia, in 8 vols., 1893-95), the latest edition edited by Charles Kendall Adams; Bluckie's Modern Cyclopedia of Universal Information (9 vols., 1890), edited by Charles Annandale; .1 Dictionary of Science, Literature, mid Art (3 vols., 1S7U ; new edition of an earlier work by Brande), by V. T. Brande and C. W. Cox; The Ganibridgi Encyclopaedia: .1 Compendium of His- tory, Religion, Chronology, Arts, Sciences, and General Information (1899 — ; published month- ly) ; The International Cyclopaedia I New York, L884; new eds. 1891, 1894, 1898), now discon- tinued and superseded by the present work, The V. International Eiivijdoptvilin, in 17 volumes i L902— ). In t (erman:Brocfc/iaus's Konversations-Lexikoi i 1796-1808; subsequently often revised and great- ly enlarged; 14th ed. in 17 vols., one supplemen- tary. 1892-97; again revised, 1901 — ). one of I be most serviceable and scholarly encyclopaedias in any language, especially noteworthy in meth- od as a happj' mean between excessive subdivi- sion of material and the monographic type above) ; Pierer's Universal-Lesoikon, oder encyclo- padisches Worterbuch der Wissenschaften, Kun- ste und Gewerbe (26 vols., 1824-36; 7th ed., in 12 vols., 1888-93) ; Meyer's Neues Konversations- Lexikon 1 37 vols., lS:S9-52: 4th ed.. in 17 vols.. 1885-90; 5th ed. IS vols.. 1894-98; 6th ed. 1902-), a work of much the same quality as that of Brockhaus; Allgemeine Real-Encyklopadie oder Konversations-Lexikon fur das katholisohe Deutschland (12 sols., 1846-51; 4th ed.. in 13 vols., issu him : Wetzerand Welti's hirelo ,,-Lexi- in 13 vols., 1847 60; 2d ed. 1882-1901). In French: Encyclopedic des inns du mondi : repertoire universel des sciences, des lettres et des arts, etc. 1 22 Mil-.. 1833-44); Dictionnaire de la conversation et di la lecture (52 vols., 1832- 39; supplement, in lb vols.. 1844-51; 2d ed.. in 16 vols., 1851-58; 5 supplementary vols., 1865- 82); linrin l"in iln moderne; diciionnai/re abrigu des sciences, des lettres, des arts, de Vvndustrie, de I'agriculture el du commerce (20 vols., 1823- .",2: new ed., in 27 vols., with 12 supplementary vols, and an alia-, in 2 vols., 1847-62), edited by Courtin; Encyclopidie du XlXeme siecle re- pertoire universel des lettres, des sciences et des arts, aree In liiinirupliie de toils les homines eele- 1,,-es (28 vols . 1837 59; 2,1 ed. 1858 64; continued as Annuain encyclopSdiqut I, edited by Ange de Saint Priest; Dictionnaire encyclopidique univer- sel, illustn di iO, 000 figures (1895 — ), conduct ed by E. Elammarion ; La grande encyclopidie : entaire raisonni des sciences, des lettres et des arts, etc. i L886;-30 vols, bj 1902). In other languages: fuovo Encyclopedia nopo- lare ill vols., Turin. 1841-51); Dizionario uni- versale di -'<•/< e, letter* ed arti (Milan, 1S7-II. bj Lessona and Valle; Encyclopedia popolare italiana I Milan. 1872), edited by Giovanni Berri; Em iclopi dia univi rsale o I - pi rtm to di dascalico (6 vol ., Prato, 1868) ; Vuova end ana, etc. 1 25 vols., Turin. 1875 88) , by G i rdo lopt dia modi rna ( 34 ttlas, Madrid. Isis 51 i, by Mel D ii nciclopi dico II ispano I tni ri a artes ( Ba rcelona, i, Montaner j Simon; Die- dot i rsal de la U ngua castellana,