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GKEAT BRITAIN. 197 GREAT DTJKE OF FLORENCE. Blue Books, etc. For political history before the eighteeiitli century ami lor si>ucial periods, con- sult the authorities rct'errcil to in this bibliog- raphy under History; and for a concise general survey, consult Acland and Ransome, Handbook in Uulline of the I'olitical History of England (London, 1895). Local: Chalmers, Local Gov- ernment (London, 1883) ; Dowell, A History of Taxation and Tasr.s in Entjland C-A eA.. London, 1888) : Goodnow, Municipal (lovcrnmcnt in (Srt'at Britain (New Vork. 18!)5) ; Mallbie, JJnf/tish Local Government (ib., 1897) ; Wright and Hob- house, Ontline of Local Gonrnmcnt and Local Taxation in. England and Wales (London, 1898) ; Odgers, Local Gorernment, in "English Citizen Series" (ib.. 1809) ; The English Citizen: His Itights and [{csi}on»ibilities (13 vols., London, 188 IS,")) ; Graham, Taxation, Imperiifl and Local (ib., 1899). Fi-XAXC'E. Gifl'cn. Essays in Finance, 2 series (London. 1880. 1880) ; Buxton, Eininiec and Polities (ib., 1888) ; Bagehot, Lombard street: A Description of the Money Market ( lOtli ed., ib., 1893) ; Conant, History of Modern Banks of Is- sue (ib.. 1890) ; Turner, Chronicles of the Bank of England (ib., 1897); Stephens, Contributions to Bibliography of the Bank of England (ib., 1897) ; Root. Studies in British Xational Finance ( Livorpool. 1901) ; also the Blue Books, Journal of the Itoyal Statistical Society (London, (piar- terly). and the authorities referred to in tliis l)ibliogra])hy under Industries : Physical Fea- tures: and (lorernntent, sections Politics and Local (iovernment. Army: Wolseley. The Standing Army of Great Britain- (London, 1893) ; Dilke and Wilkinson, Imperial Defence (ib., 1892); Clarke, Fortification (ib., 1890); id,. Imperial Defence (ib., 1897) : King, Story of the British Army ( ib,, 1897) : Fortescue, History of the Brit- ish Army (ib.. 1890) ; and, for the Volunteers, Wilkinson, The ^'olunieers and the yationnl De- fence (ib., 1891; reissued 1890). Navy: Lord Brassev. The British Sary (5 vols., London, 1882-83): .Jame.s, The Xaral History of Great Britain (6 vols., ib., 1886) ; Mahan. The Influence of Sea Power upon History (ib,, 1890) ; Colomb, Xaval Warfare (ib., 1895); Hamilton, Naval Administration ( ib„ 1890); Williams, A Short Histoni of the Grnirth of the British Navy ( ib,, 1894-98) ; Eardlcy-Wilmot, Our Nary for a Thou- sand Years (ib„ i899) ; id.. Our Fleet To-day and Its Development During the Past Half Century (ib„ 1900) ; Clowes, The Royal Navy (5 vols,, lb,, 1897-1900) ; and, for the Naval Reserve, Brassey, The Royal Naval Reserve, the Mercantile Marine, and the Colonies (London, 1895), EDrc.Tiox, Bisson, Our Schools and Colleges (London, 1883-84) : .Tebb, The Work rjf the Vni- versities for the Nation, Past and Present (Cam-, 1893): Leclerc, L'edueation des classes moyenncs et dirigeantes en Angleferre (Paris, 1894) : id,, L'edueation et la sociHe en Angleterre (ib,, 1894); Parmentier, Histoire de I'fducation en Angleterre (ib,, 1896): Lyte, .James, and others. Great Public Schools (London, 1896) ; Morley, Studies in Board Schools (ib., 1807): Balfour. The Educational Systems of Great Brit- ain and Ireland (ib,, 1898): and the Annual Reports of the Board of Education of Great Britain, Relioiox, Consult the authorities referred to under Engl.xnd, CniRCii of; also, Patteson. i?!se and Progress of Religious Life in England (Lon- don, 18(i4); Stoughton, History of Religion in England (0 vols,, ib,, 1831) ; id,. Religion in Eng- land: First Half of Present Century (ib,, 1884) ; Gasquet, The Eve of the Reformation (ev York, 1901) ; Fitzgerald, Fifty Years of Catholic Prog- ress in England (London, 1900), Ethnology, Consult the authorities referred to under England. GREAT BRITAIN, Royal Arms of, The arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland are quarterly, first and fourth gules, three lions passant gardant in pale, or, for Eng- land ; second, or, a lion rampant within a doul)le tressure flory counterflory gules, for Scotland; third, azure, a harp or stringed argent, for Ire- land: all surrounded by the garter. Crest. — Upon the royal helmet, the Imperial crown proijer, thereon a lion statant gardant or, imjierially crowned, also proper. Supporters. — Dexter, a lion rampant gardant, or. crowned as the crest. Sinister, a unicorn argent, armed crined, and unguled or, gorged with a coronet composed of crosses pattee and fleur-de-lis, a chain affixed thereto, passing be- tween the fore legs, and reflexed over the back, also or. Motto. — Dieu et mon Droit in the compart- ment below the shield, with the union rose, sham- rock, and thistle ingrafted on the same stem. For illustration of Arms of Great Britain, see Colored Plate of National Coats of Arms in article Heraldry, Arms have been ascribed by heralds to the Saxon and Norman monarchs of England in the tenth and eleventh centuries ; but as heraldry was, in point of fact, unknown till the middle of the twelfth century, the ascriptions must be dealt with as fabulous. The supporters borne in fonner times by the Kings of England varied much, particularly dur- ing the earlier period when these api^endages of the shield were invested with more of a decorative than an heraldic character, and perhaps often left to the fancy of the engraver, James I. for the first time clearly defined the royal supporters, adopting the lion of England and unicorn of Scotland as they have ever since been borne, the unicorn having been, up to 1707, allowed the precedence in Scotland. GREAT CATAWBA, See Wateree, GREAT CHAM OF LITERATURE, The, A title given l).v Smollett to Samuel Johnson, in a letter to .John Wilkes, GREAT CHARTER, See Charter, GREAT CIRCLE SAILING. See Saili.n-gs. GREAT COMMONER, The. A popular title of tiie elder Pitt, who, though he became Earl of Chatham, was a member of the House of Com- mons and not of the House of Lords. GREAT-CRESTED FLYCATCHER, See KlXGIURll. GREAT DANE, A dog. See Hound. GREAT DAIT'PHIN, The, A name given to the Daupliin Louis, son of Louis XIV, GREAT DUKE. A title given to the Duke of Wellington. GREAT DUKE OF FLORENCE, The, A drama bv JIassinger. licensed in 1027 and pub- lished in' 1635.