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INDIA. 553 INDIA. don, 1890) ; Lane-Poole. Mohammedan Dynasties ( Westminster, 1894) ; Hurst, Indika, Country and People of India and Ceylon (New York, 1891) ; Constables, Hand-Atlas of India (Westminster, li-'94) ; Thoburn, India and Malaysia (Cincin- nati, 189.3) ; Uiililer and Kielliorn, drundriss dcr indo-arischen I'hiloloyie und Altertumslmnde (Strassburg, 1896 et seq.) ; CrooUe, The Xorlh- ircsteni Provinces of India, Their llistiiry. Ethnol- ofiy, and Administration (London. 1897): Man- nini;, Atteient and Mediaval India (London, 18C9) ; Dubois, Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies, edited by Beauchamp( Oxford, 1897) ; Brosse, L'Inde inconnue (Paris. 1897) ; Steevens, In India (London. 1809) ; Hopkins, India, Old and yew (Xew York, 1901). Climaie and Soil. Blanford, Practical Ouide to the Climate and Weather of India (London, 1S89) : Indian Meteoroloiiienl Memoirs, vols, i.- xii. (Calcutta. 1870-1902)'; h'e/iort on the Meteor- olor/y of India (Calcutta, 1875-1900); Rainfall Data of India (10 vols., Calcutta, 1891-1900); Deakin, Irrigated India (London, 1893) ; Buck- lev, Irriqation Works in India and Eyypt (Xew Y<,rk. 1893). Flor.a. Hooker, Flora of British India, vols. i.-vii. (London, 1872-97); Drury, The Useful Plants of India (2d cd., London. "l873) ; Drury, Handbook of the Indian Flora (3 vols., Madras, 1804-69) ; Tschirch. Indisehe Heil- und Xutz- pflanzen und deren CuUur (Berlin, 1892) ; Haber- landt, Fine botanisehe Tropenreise (Leipzig. 1893) ; Brandis, Forest Flora of India (London, 1896). Fauna. Blanford, The Fauna of British India (London, 1889-98) ; .Terdon, The Birds of India (3 vols.. Calcutta. 18(i2-()4); Beavan, Humlhook of Fresh Water Fishes of India (London, 1877) ; Day, Fishes of British India (London. 1884) ; Hume and Marshall, The (lame Birds of India (Calcutta, 1879-80) ; Ball, Jungle Life in India (London, 1880) ; Moore, Lepidoptera Indica, vols. i.-v. (London. 1890-1901); Kipling. Beast and Man in. India (London, 1891). Geology. Medlicott. Blanford. Ball, and Mal- lett, A Manual of the (leolo'/y of India (5 vols., London, 1879-87) ; Indian Geological Survey, Manual of the Geology of India (Calcutta. 1893) ; Oldham, Manual of the fleology of India (2d ed., Calcutta, 1893) : Memoirs of the (leoloqieal Sur- vey of India (33 vols.. Calcutta, 1859-1901); llecords of the Geological Hurvey of India (Cal- cutta, 1868-97) ; Oldham. A Bibliography of In- dian Geology (Calcutta, 1888). iNorsTRIAL AND KCONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Kave. Administration of the East India Compani) (London, 1853); Royle. The Productive Re- sources of India (ib.. 1882) ; Birdwood. The In- dustrial Arts of India (ib., 1880) ; .Tames. Indian Industries (ib.. 1880) ; Connell. The Economic Revolution in India (ib.. 1883) ; Stevens, Dawn of British Trade to East Indies (ib., 1887) ; Watt, Dictionary of the Economic Products of India (G vols., ib., 1890-93) ; Oiesney, Indian Polity (ib., 1894) ; Danvors. Letters Received by East India Company (ib.. 1896) ; O/fieial Reports on Various Subjects Connected n-ith India (Lon- don) ; Annual Sintement of Trade and Xaviga- iion (Calcutta) ; ilarkham (ed.). Stnlcment Ex- hibiting the Moral and Material Progress of India (London, 1873 et seq.); Ranade, Essays on Indian Economics (Bombay, 1899); Dadab- hai Naoraji, The Poverty of India (London, 1901); Romesh Dutt, Famines in India (ib., 1900). Keligion. G. Smith, The Conversion of India (London, 1893); Crooke, Introduction of the Popular Religion and Folk-Lore of Northern India (Allahabad, 1894); Earth, Religions of India (trans., Boston, 1882) ; Khys Davids, Bud- dhism (Xew ork, 1896); Kern, Manual of In- dian Buddhism (Strassburg, 1896) ; Warren, Buddhism in Translations (Cambridge, Mass., 1896) ; Battacharja. Hindu Castes and Hects (Calcutta, 1896) ; Oldenberg, Buddha, sein Leben, seine Lehre, etc. (3d ed., Berlin, 1897) ; Hopkins, The Religions of India (Boston, 1898); Max Miiller, Six Sys'ems of Indian Philosophy (Lon- don, 1899) ; Griinwedel, Mythologie des Bud- dhismusi in Tibet und der Mongolei (Leipzig, 1900) ; Aiken, The Dhamma of Gautama the Buddha, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( Boston, 1900); and the authorities referred to under Bi DDinsM ; 'eu. ta, etc. GovERNiiENT; Ad.ministr.^tion. Orlich, In- dien. und seine Regierung (London, 1839-61); Fawcett, Finance of India (London, 1880 — ) ; Cunningham, British India and Its Rulers (Lon- don, 1881); Strachey, India (London, 1888); Stokes, The Indian Codes (London, 1888) ; Black, Report of the Indian Surveys. lti7,5-90 (London, 1891 ) ; Baden-Powell, Land System of British, India (3 vols., Oxford, 1892) ; Chesney, Indian Policy (3d ed., London, 1894) ; Probyn, Indian Coinage and Currency (London, 1897); llbert. Government of India (Oxford, 1898) ; Dutt, Open Letter on Famines and Land Assessments in India (London, 1900) ; Hunter, Statistical Ac- count of Bengal (London, 1877) ; Statistical Abstract Relating to British India (London, an- nu.U); .innu'il Statistical Abstroct for Several Colonial and Other Possessions of the United hini/doni (London, annual) ; Statistical Atlas of India (Calcutta, 1895). Politics. Dutferin, Speeches Delivered in In- dia (London. 1890) ; Hanna. Indian Problems, i.-iii. (London, 1895) ; Crawford. Our Troubles in I'oona and the Deeean (London, 1897) ; Adye, Indian Frontier Policy (London, 1897) ; Aubin. Les .'inglais aux Indes et en Egypt e (Paris, 1899) : Durand. The Making of a Frontier (Lon- don, 1899) ; Lady Betty Baifour, History of Lord. Lytton's Indian Administration, icS7S-80( London, 1890) ; Fouehcr, Sur la front lire indo-afghane ( Paris. 1901 ) : Lilly, India and Its Problems (London. 1902) ; and for the Eastern Question, Curzon, Russia in Central Asia (London, 1889) ; id.. Problems of the Far East (London, 1894); Popowitch, The Rival Powers in Central Asia, translated (Westminster, 1893) ; Krauss, Russia in .isia, t-5.}8-lS99 (London, 1899) ; Levedcy, Russes et Anglais en Asie ccntrale. Vers L'Inde, translated (Paris, 1900) ; Colquhoun, Russia Against India (Xew York, 1900). ETHNOLoor. Elliott, Memoirs on the History, Folk-Lore, and Distribution of the Races of the yorthwestern Provinces of India (London, 1869) ; Dalton. Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal (Cal- cutta, 1872) ; Lewin, Wild Races of Southeastern India (London, 1870) ; Hunter. Annals of Rural Bengal (London. 1872) ; Rowney, Wild Tribes of India (London. 1882); I'ifahy. .ius dem west- hrhen Himalaya (Leip/ig. 1884) ; Spiegel, Die arische Periode und Hire Zustiinde (Leipzig, 1S87) ; Le Bon. La civilisation de I'Inde (Paris, 1887); Monier- Williams, Modern India and the