Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 11.djvu/287

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JOHNSON". 261 JOHNSON. a dame-school, from which he passed to the Lichfield grammar school, where he learned Latin, and then attended for a few months a school at Stourbridge. The years 1727-29 he spent at home in "lounging.' Though indolent and desultory, he read widely and wrote some verse. In 1728 he entered Pemljroke College, Oxford, where he be- came know n for his various knowledge and a Latin translation of Pope's llessiali. At Oxfoi'd he learned Greek and read metaphysics, ilelancholy by nature, he became a hypochondriac under tho pressure of poverty. In October, 1731, he left O.xford without a degree, and two months later Ills father died, leaving him only £20. In 1732 he was usher in a school at JIarket Bosworth, a position for which he was particularly unsuited, owing to his extreme nervousness, which mani- fested itself in facial contortions. Aware of his failure and detesting the employment, he gave up school-teaching, and went to live with a school friend in Birmingham. He probably contributed to the Birmingliam Journal, for the publisher of which he made an abridged translation (1735) of Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia, On July 9, 1735, he married the widow of a Birmingham mercer, his senior by twenty years. His wife's small fortune, about £800, enabled him to open a boarding school for young gentlemen at Edial Hall, near Lich- field. Few pupils attended, but among them was David Garrick. .Johnson had for some time been thinking of London, as may be inferred from a letter he sent in 1734 to Edward Cave, proprietor of the Gentleman's Magazine, proposing to become a contributor. On ilarch 3, 1737, he and Garrick, each having a few pence in his pocket, went to London. Later in the same year .Johnson re- turned to Birmingham and brought his wife to London. Poor as .Johnson had been hitherto, he had now to pass through a severe ordeal. For a period he went about ill clothed and ill fed. and, it is said, sometimes walked the streets with his friend Savage 'for want of a lodging.' In 1738 he became a regular contributor to the Gentle- man's Magazine. At first he was employed to edit for Cave the Parliamentary debates reported by William Guthrie, and then from Xovember, 1740, to Februaiy, 1743, he wrote them himself, sometimes from notes furnished him and at other times from only the names of the speakers, al- ways taking care that the 'Miig dogs should not have the best of it.' In the meantime he had published London (1738), an adaptation to Lon- don life of .Juvenal's third satire. It was immedi- ately successful and placed .Johnson among the best followers of Pope. In 1744 appeared his Ijife of Richard Harage, which, in depicting the terrible career of this unfortunate poet, throws indirectly much light on .Johnson's own hard- ships. In 1749 he published another adaptation of .Juvenal. The Vanity of Human Wishes, the finest of his poems. .Johnson had long before written a tragedy called Irene. In February, 1749. Garrick brought it out at Drtiry Lane. Though .Johnson received from the author's three nights and the copyright nearly £300. it was only a moderate success. The next year he began — writ- ing most of the essays himself — the Ramhler, a semi-weekly in imitation of the flpertator, which ran for two years (March 20. 1750. to ifarch 14, 1752). To .Johnson, already Icnown as a poet, this periodical gave rank as an impressive moralist. Three days after the last issue of the Ramhler Johnson's wife died. At this time Johnson was in the midst of his labors on a new Dictionary of the English Language. The Plan for it, published in 1747, was inscribed to Lord Chesterfield, evi- dently with a view to that nobleman's patronage. Chesterfield, however, approved of the work in no public manner until December, 1754, when it was near completion. In a memorable letter, .Johnson then spurned the overtures of the noble lord (February 7, 1775). In the following April the Dictionary appeared. For this undertaking .John- son was not fully equipped. He had no knowl- edge of the English language and literature in its earlier periods; consequenth- the dictionary was untrustworthy in its etymologies. On the other hand, he had read widely in the seventeenth cen- tury, and was thus able to illustrate the use of words by admirable quotations. He at once became known as the great lexicographer. His splendid struggle with adversity, however, was not quite over. The next year he was arrested for debt. In 1758 he began a series of essays called the Idler, not so good as the Rambler, which he carried on for two years. Xow occurred one of the most touching episodes in his heroic life, the writing of Rasselas- (1759), 'in the'evenings of a week,' to pay the expenses of his mother's funeral. It is hardly a novel, but rather a magnificent moral tract, into which is compressed The Vanity of Human Wishes and the best of the Rambler. In 1762 he accepted, after some hesitancy, a Gov- ernment pension of £300. Hereafter his life was passed in comparative ease. He was one of the original members of the Literary Club (1764), which included Burke. Goldsmith, and Reynolds. The year before he had made the acquaintance of James Boswell. his future biographer; and in 1765 he began his intimacy with the Thrales. who received him into their home at Southwark and took him with them to Streatham for the summer 7nonths. For sixteen years they ministered to his comfort. Composition now becoming very onerous for him, he found an outlet for his thoughts in brilliant conversation. To this period, however, belongs some notable work. In 1765 he brought out an edition of Shakespeare, proposals for which had been issued eight years before. The record of a visit to Scotland and the Hebrides with Boswell in 1773 he published under the title A Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland (1775). His literary career closed with the Lives of the Poets ( 1779-81 ) . the most admirable of his essays both in thought and in style. He died in London December 13. 1784, and was buried in Westminster .Aibbey. The degree of LL.D. he had received both from Dublin (1765) and from Oxford (1775), but he himself rarely used the title. .Johnson was the central figure in English literature for a quarter of a century. Time, however, has taken away much of his pres- tige. As a critic he is narrow; and his style is ponderous. On the other hand, his opinions show independent and robust thinking; and his -style, even in the Ramhler, has at times a delightful rhythm. Of the charm of his conversations there can never be any question. Of him as a man the record is complete. Though Boswell noted his sayings and doings in a great variety of situa- tions, nothing was ever said or done to lessen one's respect for .Johnson's noble qualities of mind and heart. Consult his Works, ed. by Walesby (11 vols.. Oxford. 1825) ; Lires of the Poets, with notes and introduction by Waugh (6 vols., Lon- don, 1896) ; Johnson Club Papers (London,