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LANFREY. 749 LANG. he published his work Le retablissement de la I'ologne. Kesigning his editorship in 1864. he de- voted himself to his great work, a political and social study of the First Empire, covering the period to 1812. published under the title Histoire de yapoleon !>"■ ( 1867-74). This is an able and scholarly arraignment of the first Xapoleon, and counteracted Thiers's laudation of the Emperor. Lanfrey fought with the Garde Mobile in the Franco-German War. In 1871 he was elected a member of the Assembly from Marseilles, and shortly afterwards was appointed Ambassador to Switzerland. In 1873, on the election of Mac- Mahon to the Presidency, he resigned his posi- tion, and in 1875 was elected a life Senator. In politics he acted with the iloderate Left. He died at Pau. Xovember 15, 1877. Consult, for his life, three articles by C'omte d'Haussonville, in the Revue des Deux ilondes (Paris, 1880). LANG, Andrew (1844—). An English writer, born at .Selkirk. Scotland. March 31, 1844. He was educated at Saint Andrews University, and at Balliol College. Oxford. At the university he was distinguished for his knowledge of the clas- sics, and was elected fellow of Merton College (1868). This classical knowledge was turned to good use in the beautiful English versions of Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus (1880). the Odys- sey (1879), the Iliad (1882), and the Homeric Hymns (1899). In the second and third of these translations he was aided by Butcher. Leaf, and Myers. From the French he translated with equal skill Aucassin and Xicolette (1887) ; edit- ed Perrault's Popular Tales; and made selec- tions for several books of fairy stories. His Bal- lads and Lyrics of Old France had appeared in 1872. He made substantial contributions to learning in Custom and Myth (1884); Myth. Ritual, and Reliffion (1887: new ed. 1899) : and The Making of Religion (1898). As a poet he is known by his charming society verse and by some longer poems, among which are: Ballades in Blue China (1880) ; Rht/mes a la Mode (1884) : Grass of Parnassus (1888) : Ballades of Books (1888) ; and Helen of Troy (1882). Other books are: The Mark of Cain (1886): The Monk of Fife (1895): Pickle the Spy (1897), and its sequel. The Companions of Pickle (1898) : The Disentan- glers (1902) : Maqic and Religion (1901) : The Mystery of Mary Stuart (1901) : Alfred Tenny- son (1901); a good Life of .J. G. Lo(;khart (1890). and of Prince Charles Edward (1900) : an edition of Burns (1896) and of Scott (1890). His essays include: Letters to Dead Authors (1886) : 'Letters on Literature (1889) ; and Es- says in Little (1891). His most substantial his- torical works are: A History of Scotland from the Ftoman Occupation (1900ff.) ; James 17. and the Coxrrie Mystery (1902). LANG, lang. Arnold (1855—). A German- Swiss zoiiloyist and anatomist, bom at Oftringen. Switzerland, .Tune 18, 1855. He studied at the universities of Geneva and .lena, where he ob- tained his degree in 187ti. and in the same year bei'anie privat-docent at Bern. Between 1878 and 1885 he was assistant at the zoological station at Naples; in 1880 he became Ritter professor of pliylogeny in Jena: in 1889 pro- fessor of zoiilogy and comparative anatomy in Zurich. His most important works are: Die J'olycladen {Seeplanarien} des (lolfes ion Xcaprl { 1884) ; Ueber den Finfluss der festsil:cn<hn Lebensweise auf die Thiere, etc. (.Jena, 1888J ; Text -book of Comparative Anatomy (Eng. trans. 1891-96). LANG, Benjamin .Jounson (1837—). An. American comjjoser and teacher, born at Salem, Mass. He studied under his father (a well- known local organist), F. G. Hill, Alfred Jaell, and Gustav Salter. At fifteen years of age he was established as a teacher and organist: but some three years later went to Berlin, Germany, for advanced work in composition and a course of instruction under Liszt's direction. Upon his return to America he resumed his musical engagements, paying a return visit to Europe in 1869, during which time he gave concerts in Ber- lin, Leipzig, and other musical centres. He held many church appointments as organist, and was for many years organist of the Handel and Haydn Society, of which organization he became conductor in 1895. He was also a leading mem- ber of the concert committee of the Harvard Musical Association, conductor of the Apollo and the Cecilia clubs from the time of their forma- tion, and was famous for the gieat number of new works he gave to the public through his societies. He was on intimate terms with Wag- ner, and was a loyal pioneer in America of that master's music. He also introduced into this countrj' Mendelssohn's Walpurgis Xight and Berlioz's Damnation of Faust. As a composer he is of slight importance, nearly the whole of his composition remaining in MSS. He is the father of Margaret Ruthven Lang (q.v.). LANG, liing, Heinrich (1826-76). A Protes- tant theologian, born near Balingen. in Wiirttem- berg. He studied theology at the University of Tubingen. Banished from his country for tak- ing part in the uprising of 1848. he accepted the post of pastor at Wartau. Switzerland, where he soon became famous as an adv<K-ate of the Re- formed Church. By means of his sermons and his periodical. Die Zeitstimmen aus der reform- irten Kirche der Schiceiz, he endeavored to pro- mulgate views of Christianity, based on the re- sults of modern higher criticism of the Bible. In 1872, when pastor at Meilen i near the Lake of Zurich), he united his paper with Bitzius's Ber- ner Wochenblattcr into the Reform. The most important of Lang's publications are: Versuch einer christlichen Dogmatik (1858-68) : Ein Gang durch die ehristliche n'elt (1859-70) : and a con- siderable number of his sermons, under the title. Religiose Reden. in which he denounces the old doctrines of the orthodox Church. LANG, John Marshall (1834—). A Scotch Presbyterian minister, born in Glasford. Lanark- shire. He was educated at Glasgow University, was appointed to consregations in .Mierdeen (18.56). Glasgow ( 1865 1. and Edinburgh (1868). but returned to the Barony Church. Glasgow, in 1873. and in 1900 was made vice-chancellor and principal of Aberdeen University. His prinoipal publications are: Gnostic Sects and Herrsies (1873); Heaven and Home (1875): The Last Supper of Our Lord (1881) : Life: Is It Worth Living' (1883): Ancient Reliqions of Central .Imcrira (1882) : The Church of England (1884) : Gideon and the -Judges (1890) ; The Church and thr People (1893). LANG, liing, Karl Heixrich von (1764- 1835). .A German historian, bom at Balgheim. In 1780 he became amanuensis in the library of the Prince of Oettingen-Wallerstein. and in 1782