Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 14.djvu/642

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NICOLA us OF DAMASCUS. 548 NICOLLS. ■first century B.C., an intimate friend of Herod the Great and of Auj^ustu^,. His numerous wiirlcs include his autobiography, of which a consider- able portion remains; a history of the world down to his own times in 144 books, of which fragments have been ])reserved; and a panegj-ri- cal biograpliy of Augustus, of which some ex- tracts, made by command of Constantine Tor- phyrogenitus, are extant. He also wrote com- mentaries on various philosophical works, and several tragedies and comedies. A fragment of one of the tragedies has been preserved by Sto- hseus. For the fragments, consult: iIiiller,"/Va(7- mrnla Eistoricorum (Ircecoriim (6 vols., Paris, 1841-70) ; also. Trieber, De Xicolai Damasceni was continued in a new edition with life by C. P. Goujet (14 vols., Paris, 1707-82). NICOLINI, ne'ko-le'ne, Ernesto (properly Ek-nest Xrol-Vs) (1834-081. A French singer, born at Saiut-ilalo. He studied at the Conserva- tory, and made his debut in the Moi(squetaii(s de la reine at the Upfra Comiiiue in Paris in 18.57. Afterwards, he traveled extonsivelv. and did not reappear in Paris until 1870. While in Saint Petersburg on another tour he renewed an ac- quaintance with Mnie. Adelina Patti. whom he married after her divorce from the ilarquis de Caux in 1S8G. NIC'OLL, James Craig ( 1847— ) . An Ameri i i I Laconicis (Berlin. 1807) ; and Stcinmctz, Ucrod <'/'" painter, born in Xew York. He studied un and yicolaus (Liineburg, 1801). NICOLAY, ni'kiVIa, .JoHX George (1832- IHOI). An American author, born in Essingen, Bavaria, February 22. 1832. He came to the United States in 1838. attended school in Cin- cinnati, Ohio, and later went to Illinois, where he edited the I'ike County Free Press, at Pitts- field. Then be became assistant to the Secretary of State of Illinois, and while in this position der .M. F. H. de Haas and Kruseman van Ellen, and in 188.5 was elected a National Academician. His marines include: "On the Rocks Near Port- land" (1882). •■Twilight," "Sunlight on the Sea," "Fog and Sunshine," and "On the Gulf of Saint Lawrence." NICOLL, William Robert-son (1851—). A Britisli author and journalist, born at Lumsden, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. October 10. 1851. He met Abraham Lincoln. He served as priv"ate sec- >vas educated at the university and the Free retary to Lincoln during the Civil War (1861- Church College at Aberdeen: was a minister at 65), and after the death of the President be- Dutftown (1874-77 ), and at Kelso (1877-85). In came United States Consul at Paris, France 1884 he became the editor of the Expositor; in (1805-60). He was marshal of the United 1886 of the British Wcckli/, which he founded; States Supreme Court (1872-87). Besides con- and in 1801 of the lioohmnn. which he also tributions to the leading magazines, his writijigs include books on the Civil War and on Lincoln, The Outbreak of the RchMion ( 1881 ) , and joint- ly with .John Hay (q.v.) Abraham Lincoln: A History. This authoritative work appeared in the Century Magazine .serially from 1880 to 1800, and was then issued in book form, together with the Complete Works of Ahraliam Lincoln, in 12 volumes (1800-04). NICOLE, ne'kol'. In MoliJre's Bourgeois gen- founded. He has written: Thr Inrnrnntc Haviour (1881) ; The Lamb of Cod (1886) : The Kei/ of the Grave (1893); Literary Anrrdotcs of" the Nineteenth Century (1805): and. jointlv with C. K. Shorter, a new Life of the liroittcs ("l895) ; besides editing a number of theological works. NICOLLET. n.vk.VlA'. .Teax icol.s (1786- 1S4.". ). A French astronomer and explorer, born at Cluses in Savoy. When about twenty-one years old he went to Paris and became a nat- tilhonnne, a bright servant who with Madame uralized Frenchman. In 1817 he .secured a posi- Jourdain exposes and ridicules the foibles of her tion in connection with the observatory, and in master. NICOLE, Pierre (1025-95). A distinguished French .lansenist writer. He was born at Chartres, and at an early age attained un- usual proficiency in classical studies, at first under the teaching of his father, a counselor in the Parlement of Paris. From 1042 to 1644 he 1822 was promoted to be assistant astronomer in the Bureau of Lon^'itudes. He discovered at the same time as Pond the comet of 1821, and in 1822-23 was engaged with Colonel Bmus- seau in measuring an arc of latitude in the .south of France. Obliged to leave the country in 1831 because of unfortunate speculations, he studied philosophy in Paris, where he took his ^"'"' *" *'"" L'lited States, where the Govern- master's degree, "inclined to take holy orders, ment gave him some assistance in making a geo he made a theological course at the Sorbonne in 1645-46. He was already under the infiuence of the Jansenist leaders, especially Antoinc Ar- nauld. and after taking his bachelor's degree in theology went to Port Royal in 1640. Five years later he returned to Paris and devoted his tal- ents to promoting the cause of .Jansenism. In 1679 his outspoken opposition to the ruling doc- trines made it advisat)le for him to accompany Arnauld to the Low Countries, where he lived at Brussels, Louvain, and elsewhere until he got permission to return to Chartres, and in 1683 to Paris, where he died. He wrote a large number of controversial treatises, all characterized by purity of style anil subtlety of discrimination, "To him is diie the principal part of the celebrated pointed by Charles H. secretary of the commi's- Port Royal logic — La lofii/pir, oh Vart de prn.irr sion headed by Cid. Richard Nicolls (q.v.). which (Paris. 1062: Eng. trans, ed. T. S. Baj-nes. 10th was to regulate Ni'w England and capture New cd„ London. 1808). His Fssais dr morale (6 Xetherland. He Ix-came the first Secretary of vols., 1071 seq.) is his most important work; it New York after the English occupation (Sep- graphical and geological exploration of the terri- tory beyond the .Mississippi. The results of these researclies are emlioilicd in a series of memoirs which appeared in the Cunnaissance des Temps and Silliman's Journal. Among his other publi- cations are: Des a.isurances sur la I'l'e (1818); Cours de mathfmatiques (1830) ; and a Report and Map of the Hydrographiral Basin of the Up- per Mis.'ii.tsippi liirer (1843). Consult Sibley, "Memoir of .Jean N. Nicollet," in the Collrc- lions of the Minnesota Ilistorical Ftociety, vol, i. (Saint Paul. 1872). NICOLLS, nik'olz. Mathias (c.lG.SO-87). An English colonial oflicial. born at Plymouth. He was admitted to the bar, and in 1004 was ap-