Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 14.djvu/712

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NORTHAMPTON. 612 NORTH BRABANT. ty, Mass., 17 miles north of Springfield; on the Connecticut River, and on the Boston and Maine and the Js'ew York, New Haven and Hartford railroads (Map: Massachusetts, B 3). The city, which occupies elevated ground and is noted for its beautiful scenery, has become widely popular as a summer resort. It has, among noteworthy institutions. Smith College (q.v.), the Clarke Institute for Deaf Mutes, richly endowed by .John Clarke, Northampton Insane Hospital (State), Smith Charities, Coolev Dickinson Hospital, Home for Agcil and Invalid Women, the Bwrnliam Classical School. Public, Forbes, and Lilly li- braries. Memorial Hall, and Academy of Music. Among the conspicuous edifices are the court house and high school building. In the imme- diate vicinity of Xorthampton are Mount Tom and Jlount Holyoke, both ascended by mountain railways and commanding magnificent views. The principal industries are the manufactures of silk, cutlery, brushes, lumber products, furniture, hosiery, wood pulp, emery wheels, boxes, foundry products, baskets, sewing machines, pockctbooks, etc. The government is administered, under the charter of 1883, by a mayor, annually elected, and a bicameral council, which controls appoint- ments of the subordinate departments, excepting those of schools and the Forbes Library, chosen by popular vote. The water-works are owiicd and operated by the municipalitv. Population, in 1890, 14.000': in 1900. 18.043." Xorthampton was first settled in 1654 by a small company from Springfield, and was named (in 1055) after Xorthampton, England. In 1070. during King Philip's War.- it was attacked by Indians. Jona- than Edwards was minister here from 1729 until dismissed in 1750. Xorthampton was chartered as a city in 1883. Consult Trumlnill. Uistory of XortJiampioii (Xorthampton, 1808). NORTHAMPTON, As.size of. A royal de- cree issued in .hniuary, 1170, by Henry II. of England. Like the Assize of Clarendon (q.v.), it is in the form of instructions to the itinerant justices. The ])en:ilties are severer than they were in the earlier document, and there are special orders in regard to difii- culties due to the rebellion of 1173 against Henry II. (q.v.), which bad centred about Henry's eldest son and namesake. Consult : Stubbs. Con- stitutio)wl Ili.iti»ii of En(jland. vol. i. (6th cd., Oxford, 1807): id,, Helert Charters (Sth ed., Oxford. 1805). for the Latin text: Adams and Stephens, Sclrct Documents of English Constitu- tional Tlistori/ (Xew York, 1901), for an English translation of the dociiinent. NORTHAMPT'ONSHIRE, or Nortii'ants. A southern midland county of England, bounded on the north by Lincoln, Hulland, and Leicester, on the east by Bedford, Huntingdon, and Cam- bridge, on the south by Oxford and Buckingham, and on the west by Wanvick and Oxford (Map: England, F 4). Area, 098 square miles. The surface generally is undulating and well wooded; the northeast l)elongs to the Bedford Level (q.v.). The chief rivers are the Xen, Wclland. and Avon. Stock-raising and the cullivation of pasture land are the chief branches of agriculture, but Xorth- nmptonshire is principally an iron-producing and manuf;ictiiring county. S'ortbampton (the capi- tal). Peterborough. Wellingborougb. D.iventry. and Kettering are the principal towns. Popula- tion, in 1801, 302,183; in 1901, 338,064. Con- sult Baker, History and Antiquities of the Coun- ty of Xorthami/tonshire (London, 1841). NORTH AN'DOVER. A town in Essex County, ^lass.. 28 miles north of Boston and two miles southeast of Lawrence: on the Boston and ilaine Kailroad (Map: ilassachusetts. E 2 ) . It is important both as a residential place and as a manufacturing centre. There are several large woolen mills and manufactories of woolen mill m;uliinery. Xorth Andover was set oil from An- dover and incorporated as a town in 1855, the original form of government, by town meeting, still prevailing. The town owns and operates the water-works. Population, in 1890, 3742; in 1900. 4243. NORTHANGER ('jer) ABBEY. A novel by .Jane Austen (1818). It is a picture of commonplace English life in the latter part of the eighteenth century at Bath and at the Aljbcy, the countryplace of friends of the heroine. Cath- erine ilorland. It was written early in her ca- reer (though not published till after her death) with a view of showing that the every-day life of ordinary people could be made as interesting as the absurd romances, like the Mysteries of Udolplio. which were then popular. NORTH AT'TLEBORO. A town, including several villages, in Bristol County, Mass., 32 miles south-southwest of Boston : on the Xew Y'ork, Xew Haven and Hartford Railroad (Map: ^Massachusetts, E 4). It has the Richards Memo- rial Library (ptddic), with 6000 volumes. There are extensive manufactories of jewelry, also es- tablishments producing jewelers' supplies, cotton yarn, silverware, rope, braid, boxes, buttons, etc. X'orth Attleboro was incorporated in 1887 : its government is administered by town meetings. The water-works and electric light plant are owned by the municipalitv. PopiUation. in 1890, 0727: in 1900. 7253. NORTH BAY. A town in Xipissing district, Ontario, Canada: on Lake Xipissing, and the Canadian Pacific and Grank Trunk railroads (.Map: Ontario. D 1). Small steamers ply on the lake, and the place is much visited by toiuists and fishing parties. There is a J'nitcd States consular agent. Population, in 1901, 2530. NORTH BER-WICK, br-r'wik. A seaport town ill lladdingtiin^liire. Scotland, at the en- trance to the Firth of Forth. 19 miles east-north- east of Edinbvirgh (Map: Scotland. F 3). For- merly a fishing-village. Xorth Berwick has now become a watering-place, noted for its fine sandy beach, and its five-mile course golf links. Xear by are Bass Rock. X'orth Berwick Law. and the ruins of Tantallon Castle, graphically described in Scott's Marmion. Tantallon Castle is an ir- regular jiile. two miles east of the town, on a high rock, surrounded by the sea on three sides, with a ditch on the land side, where there was formerly a <lrawbridge. Xorth Berwick Law is a conical hill of an elevation of 012 feet, on the south, close to the town. Population, in 1891, 1500; in 1901, 2784, NORTH BRABANT', A province of the Xethirliind'i, adjoining Belgium and occupying the northern part of Brabant (q.v.) (Map: Xeth- erlands, D 3), Area, 1080 square miles. It has a low surface and belongs to the basin of the Mcuhc. .Agriculture and the raising of domestic animals arc the chief occupations, but the manufacturing