Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 14.djvu/822

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NYREN. 700 iion du coefficient constant de la precession au moyen d'ctoiles de faible eclat (1870) ; licstim- mung der X illation der i,'r<toc/ise (1873)-; Die Folhohe von I'ulkoica (1873); L'aberration des itoiles- fiJtes (1883); and Yariations de la lati- tude de Foullcova (1893). NYS'SA. A genus of Xorth American trees. See Ti I'hxo. NYSSENS. ne'siix', Albert (18.55—). A Belf.'i:iii pulitician, born at Ypres. He studied law at (ihent, and became iJrolVssor in the Catho- lic L'nivcrsity at Louvain. Afterwards he en- tered politics, was representative from Louvain in 18'.t2, and pUiyed a prominent part in the struf;;>le over the suil'raae in 18'.)3. Xyssens was madeJlinir-ter of Industry and Labor in 1893. The labor hnvs lie succeeded in having passed in this capacity did not suit the extremists of either party. He wrote E. Pirmes (1893), a NYX. biographical sketch of the oelebrated leader of the Left. ^ NYSTAD, nu'slad. A town in the Liin of Abo-i;j;'.rneborg. Finland, situated on the Gulf of Bothuiaj about 40 miles southeast of Abo (Map: Itussia, B 2). It is noted for the treaty concluded here in 1721 between Sweden and Russia, by which the territory conquered by Peter I. along the Gulf of Finland and the Baltic was conceded to Russia. Population, in 1897, 3928. NYX (Lat., from Gk. vif, night). Tn Greek mythology, the goddess of night, called Nox by the Romans. She was the daughter of t'haos and mother, by her brother Erebus, of Day and Light. Among her children were the Mrenp, Hypnos, Nemesis, Discord, and Thanatos. and some of the poets call licr the mother of all things.