Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 15.djvu/618

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colonies, it was spoken of as ‘most advanced’ in Pennsylvania as early as 1756. In 1900 it furnished 54 per cent. of the total product for the United States. The localization of the industry is determined by the accessibility to ore and fuel, and consequently until about 1850 the industry was most extensive in the eastern anthracite coal and iron ore district. (Charcoal, however, had been universally used prior to 1840.) Since then the Pittsburg district, in the western part, has far surpassed the eastern district. This change is coincident with the substitution of bituminous coal and coke and natural gas for anthracite coal, and with the development of the Lake Superior ore region. The pig iron produced in 1900 by the use of bituminous coal and coke amounted to 76 per cent. of the total for the State. The ore used in this part of the State comes from the Lake Superior district, having the advantage of cheap water transportation. From 1890 to 1900 the increase in iron and steel was 64.2 per cent. Although the industry is largely centered in the towns of Allegheny County, it is important in almost every large town. The manufacture of Bessemer steel began in 1867. Within the last two decades, however, the Bessemer process has been largely supplanted by the open-hearth process.

INDUSTRIES  Year  Number of
Value of products,
including custom
 work and repairing 

Total for selected industries for State
1900 15,665  478,780  $1,291,000,950 
1890 12,613  381,760  935,303,641 

Increase 1890 to 1900 ...... 3,052  97,020  $355,697,309 
Per cent. of increase ...... 24.2  25.4  38.0
Per cent. of total of all industries in State
1900 0.0  65.2  70.4
1890 32.1  66.9  72.2
Iron and steel, total
1900 291  110,864  $434,445,200 
1890 311  92,473  264,571,624 
Blast furnaces
1900 77  16,075  101,575,487 
1890 116  15,612  75,239,203 
Rolling mills and steel works
1900 209  94,664  332,588,174 
1890 186  76,609  188,714,190 
Iron and steel, pipe, wrought
1900 10  3,675  15,383,693 
1890 14  9,170  30,249,795 
Foundry and machine shop products
1900 1,260  62,828  127,292,440 
1890 886  38,247  67,587,025 
Electrical apparatus and supplies
1900 63  7,817  19,112,665 
1890 10  209  674,565 
Cars and general shop construction and repairs
 by steam railroad companies
1900 144  28,554  43,065,171 
1890 61  22,649  28,769,728 
Cars, steam railroad, not including
 operations of railroad companies
1900 11  5,840  19,260,910 
1890 15  4,535  10,080,722 
1900 89  9,283  22,282,358 
1890 98  5,855  10,415,628 
1900 1,102  102,213  158,782,087 
1890 1,028  79,579  134,001,269 
Boots and shoes, factory product
1900 146  9,144  13,235,933 
1890 158  7,616  10,354,850 
Clothing, men's, factory product
1900 481  10,497  23,389,043 
1890 337  7,675  26,732,348 
Clothing, women's, factory product
1900 230  8,311  11,694,580 
1890 80  2,989  3,903,596 
Flouring and grist-mill products
1900 2,719  2,195  36,639,423 
1890 2,226  3,378  39,478,076 
Slaughtering, total
1900 111  1,669  25,238,772 
1890 242  1,582  21,991,604 
Cheese, butter, and condensed milk,
 factory product
1900 749  976  10,290,006 
1890 300  766  5,319,434 
Liquors, total
1900 281  4,976  34,520,358 
1890 203  3,548  22,698,423 
Liquors, distilled
1900 73  471  5,357,615 
1890 40  400  4,339,689 
Liquors, malt
1900 208  4,505  29,162,743 
1890 163  3,148  18,358,734 
Tobacco, total
1900 2,712  25,483  33,355,932 
1890 2,025  18,550  23,387,910 
Leather, tanned, curried and finished
1900 254  13,396  55,615,009 
1890 410  10,956  49,931,716 
1900 119  19,420  22,011,130 
1890 99  18,510  17,179,137 
Petroleum, refining
1900 38  3,299  34,977,706 
1890 55  3,284  18,498,777 
Sugar and molasses, refining
1900 1,249  36,163,817 
1890 10  1,459  46,599,754 
1900 100  4,278  13,034,384 
1890 71  3,284  13,144,210 
Printing and publishing, total
1900 1,795  16,991  36,455,629 
1890 1,487  15,009  34,408,493 
Lumber and timber products
1900 2,338  13,510  35,749,965 
1890 1,948  19,598  29,087,970 
Lumber, planing mill products,
 including sash, doors, and blinds
1900 542  7,472  16,736,839 
1890 467  7,888  18,398,688 
Paper and wood pulp
1900 73  4,840  12,267,900 
1890 72  2,951  7,838,299 

In foundry and machine-shop products the State ranks first. For instance, it made in 1900 more than one-half the total number of steam locomotives made in the United States. Since 1845 locomotives of Pennsylvania make have been shipped in constantly increasing numbers