Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 20.djvu/664

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WIISTE. 566 WHITE WINES.— Continued. WINE. NAJIE Type Country where made Characteristics Delaware Epernay American Champagne United States France Still, dry and delicate. Dry, sweet and sparkling, or creamy. Italy Muscatel Sauterne Rhine Muscatel Greece Still, sweet and oily. Folle Blanche Still, dry and mild. Germany France Light, still, dry and acid. FrontigTian Still, sweet, high in alcohol. Germany Still and slightly astringent. Genevri&res Glenpara Burgundy Bordeaux Bordeaux Austrian Champagne American South' n French Australia Still and heavy and sliglitly astringent. Griiner Veltliner. Haul Villers Herbemont Hermitage Still, di and neuti"al. United States Still, dry, fresh and aromatic. Still, full and soft. Australia Germany Germany United States Italy Still. Hoch heimer (Hock) Rhine Johannisberger . . Rhine . . . . . Dry, still or sparkling, delicate and solt. Dry, still and aromatic. North Italian. . . Rhine Germany Ijipari Island Muscatel Muscatel Burgundy Madeira Still, sweet and raisinv. Still, light and soft. Madeira Still, dry. soft, delicate and nutty. Madeira Madeira Sherry Rhine Madeira, Cana- ries, Greece, Spain and Italy. All wine produc- ing countries.. . M a I ' a s i a ( Mai - vaise, Malvoi- sie) - Still, full and sweet. Still, soft, full and sweet. Markobrunner . .. Germany Italy Still, drj", slightly astringent. Madeira Bordeaux Still, soft and sweet. Drv, still and delicate. Montilla Still, drv, light and aromatic. Moselle Moselle Burgundy Muscatel Rhine Germany Light, still or sparkling, dry or sweet, soft, deli- cate and aromatic. Dry, still and soft. Muscatel (Musca- del. Muscadine. Muscat) Niersteiner All southern countries Germany Spain Still or sparkling, sweet, raisiny and aromatic. Still, light and acid, delicate. Oloroso Sherry Di-y, still, nuttv and aromatic. Muscat Italy Pedro Jimenez ( PedroXimenes, Sherry Burgundy Burgimdy Rhine Still, dry and nutty. Still drv full and soft Pinot Chardonay. Pinot Oris Germany Still, drv and delicate. Bordeaux Still, i-ich and slightly aromatic. Port Portugal Preignac Rauenthaler Sauterne Rhine Dry, stiil. fruity and aromatic. I^ight. still and dry. Germany Germany Germany and Austria France Germany Germany Rhine Rhine Light, still or sparkling, dry and aromatic; yellow color. Riesling Rhine Roman^e-Conti .. Biu-gundy Ithine . ." Light, still, soft and subacid. Still or sparkling, full aiid soft. Light, dry, stiil or sparkling, delicate and shai-p. Still, drv and delicate. Rulander Rhine Burgundy Champagne . .. . Bordeaux Bordeaux Malaga France Sauterne France Still, also sparkling, sweet or dry, spirituous and aromatic. Still, dry, delicate, heavy and slightly astringent. Still, drv oi" sweet and heavy. Sauvignon Sack France Canary Islands. . Germany Germany United States i"^rance Scharlachberger . S c h a r zh of berger (Scharzbcrger). Rcuppernong So mi Hon Moselle American Sauterne Sherry Sherry Light, still, dry and aromatic. Still, sweet, aromatic, and delicate gold color. Full still and soft with low acidity Sherry Spain Shiraz Persia Still, sweet and" rich. Slankamenka Stein (Holy Ghost Wine) Hungarian Rhine . .... Hungary Germany Germany Hungai-y Sicily Still, light, dry and full. Sparkling, full, soft and aromatic • gold color Stelnbergor Steinschiller Syracuse .... Rhine Hungarian .... Dry, still, subacid, light, rich and delicate. Dry. still. light .nnd subacid. Still oi- sparkling, raisins' and aromatic. Still, dry or s%veet, soft, rich and aromatic. Still, sweet sof(. full .nnd ri<*li toii.iz color Tenerlffe Tokay Madeira ToUav Canary Islands. .. Hungar.v France Spain Tonneire Val de Pefias. . . . Bu-Kundy Sparkling, spirituous and aromatic, full and soft. Full, still and slightly a.itringent. Vf-rdal South'n French Austrian Vernaocia Austria anil Italy Slili, dry, full and acid.