Page:The New Monthly Magazine - Volume 103.djvu/10

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Literary Leaflets. By Sir Nathaniel. No. XXIX.–Lord John Russel's Memorials of Fox 291
A Night on a Whale! 308
A Chapter or Incidents of the War 317
Itala of Valencia. By Mary C. F. Monck 331
The Adventures of a Wedding-Ring. By William Pickersgill 350
British Troops in the Service of Francs, and the Regimental System 370
Finland and the Finlanders 379
The Carillon of Antwerp Cathedral 392
Continental Sport 393
The Monarchy of July 401
The Emigrant's Thoughts. By Mary C. F. Monck 411
Literary Leaflets. By Sir Nathaniel. No. XXX.–Memoirs of James Montgomery 412
Ensign Pepper's Letters from the Crimea 418
German Missions in India 433
A Dream and the Reality. By Mary C. F. Monck 439
Carlsruhe Theatricals and Realities; with a Few Words upon the German Burns. By an Old Traveller 441
A Festa-Day in Capri 449
The Plain Gold Ring. By the Author of "The Unholy Wish" 475
The Emperor Nicholas 489