Page:The New Monthly Magazine - Volume 105.djvu/7

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The Progress of Russia in Europe 253
French Almanacks for 1856 268
Ensign Pepper's Letters from Sebastopol 283
My Exile in Siberia 297
Little Speculators 304
Sevastopol. By Cyrus Redding 308
Occasional Notes on Literature in France.By Sir Nathaniel.IV.—Cuvillier-Fleury 310
The Riding to the Tournament.By G. W. Thornbury 330
Millicent and Philip Crane.By the Author of "The Unholy Wish" 334
A Gossip about Modern Song-Writers 348
The Story of the Heart.By J. E. Carpenter 353
Death and the Doctor.From the German. By Florentia 379
The Zouaves at Sebastopol 379
Sir William Molesworth.By Cyrus Redding 394
Seven Years.By the Author of "The Unholy Wish" 401
A Yacht Cruise through the Caledonian Canal 414
Fly-Leaves from A Circulating Library.Mrs. Gaskell's Novels 427
Sunday in Town and Country.By E. P. Rowsell 434
Alice's Dream.By Mary C. F. Monck 450
Occasional Notes on Literature in France.By Sir Nathaniel.V.—Villemain 453
Fontainebleau.By Florentia 462
Rupert's March.By G. W. Thornbury 476
Piedmont 479
The Pedlar and his Wares.From the Danish.By Mrs. Bushby 489
Something in the City 498