probably Augustine's Itala. Codex Bobbiensis (k), now in Turin, of the fourth or fifth century, collated by Tischen- dorf, has a remarkable and valuable text; and the same is true of Codex Palatinus (e), at Vienna, fifth century.
Peter Sabatier's Bibliorum Sacrorum Latino: Versiones Antiquce, seu Vetus Italica et ccetercc qucecunque in Codd. MSS. et Antiquorum Libris reperiri potuerunt (Remis, i. e. Rheims, 1743-49, 3 torn. fol. ; new title-page, Paris, 1751) remains the most complete edition of the Old Latin ver- sion, but many parts of each Testament have been careful- ly collated or edited subsequently. Worthy of special men- tion, for the Gospels, are Bianchini's Evangeliarium Quad- ruplex Latino* Versionis Antigua, seu Veteris Italicce, edi- tum ex Codidbus Manuscriptis, Romae, 1749,2 torn, fol.; Scrivener's Codex Bezce, Cambridge, 1864; Tischcndorfs Evangelium Palatinum (Lips. 1847); and Uaasc's Codex Rehdigeranus (Breslau, 1865-66). For the Acts, see Scriv- ener's Codex Bezce, and Belsheim's Die Apostelgeschichte und die Offenbarung Johannis in einer alien lat. Ueber- setzung aus dcm Gigas Librorum, Christiania, 1879; for the Pauline Epistles, Tischcndorfs Codex Claromontanus (1852), and Scrivener's Codex Augiensis, Cambridge, 1859; for the Catholic and Pauline Epistles (merely fragments), see Ziegler's Italafragmcntc, Marburg, 1876 ; for the Apoc- alypse, see Belsheim, as above. Belsheim's Codex Aurcus of the Gospels (Christiania, 1878) is rather a MS. of the Vulgate than of the Old Latin, though the text is mixed.
On the whole subject, consult Hermann Ronsch, Itala und Vulgata. Das Sprachidiom der urckristlichen Itala und der katholischen Vulgata, 2d ed., revised, Marburg, 1875; L. Ziegler, Die latein. Bibelubersetzungen vor Hieronymus und die Itala des Augustinus, Miinchen, 1879 (he proves
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