though to nothing like the same extent as the Old Latin and the Old Syriac.
E. Gothic Version.
It is the work of Ulphilas (311-381, or 313-383*), the apostle of Christianity to the Goths, who in the fourth cen- tury translated the Old Testament from the Scptuagint and the New Testament from the Greek into Gothic. There are seven famous codices of this version : (a) Codex Argentcus, fragments of the Gospels, dates from the earlier part of the sixth century; (b) Codex Carolinus, forty verses of the Epistle to the Romans; (c) Palimpsest fragments of five codices (published by Mai and Castiglione, Milan, 1819-39), portions of Esther, Nehemiah, the Gospels, and Paul's Epis- tles. The best editions of all these fragments are by II. C. von der Gabelentz and J. Loebe : Ulfilas. Vet. et N. Test. Versionis Gothicce Fragmenta quce supersunt (Leipsic, 1836- 46), and by E. Bernhnrdt (Halle, 1875), each of which is pro- vided with a complete apparatus. Stamm's Ulfilas, 7th ed. by Moritz Heyne, with Grammar and Lexicon, Paderborn, 1878, is the most convenient for the student of the lan- guage; Bernhardt's is the best for text-critical purposes. Comp. also \V. Besscll : Das Leben des Ulfilas und die Be- kehrung der Gothen zum Christenthum (Gottintjen, 1860). Dr. R. Miller and Dr. II. Ilocppe have just published the Gothic Gospel of Mark with a grammatical commentary : Ulfilas : Evangelium Marci grammatisch erlautert, Berlin, 1881 (pp. 72). The last seven verses of Mark are wanting.
��* The date 318-388 is exploded; but it is not certain whether we should adopt 311-381 (Stamm, Bernhardt) or 313-383 (Krafft in Herzog, Davidson).
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