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Page:The New Testament in the original Greek - 1881.djvu/81

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(6.) BRIAN WALTON'S Polyglot Bible, Load. 1057, 6 toin. fol. The New Testament (tow. v.) gives the Greek text of Stephens, 1550, with the Latin Vulgate, the Pcshito Syriac, the vEthiopic, and Arabic versions. In the Gospels a Per- sic version is added. Each Oriental version has a collateral Latin translation. At the foot of the Greek text are given the readings of Cod. A. The sixth or supplementary vol- ume furnishes a critical apparatus gathered from sixteen authorities, by the care of the celebrated Archbishop Us- sher (1580-1056), who had been appointed a member of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, but never attended. Walton (1000-1601) was a royalist, during the civil war, and chaplain to Charles I., and after the Restoration conse- crated bishop of Chester (1661). But the Polyglot was published under the patronage of Cromwell, who allowed the paper to be imported free of duty. This patronage was afterwards disowned; hence there are two kinds of

ALPHOXSE WILLEMS, Brux. et Paris, 1880, 2 vols. The titles of the first two editions (1624 and 1633) are as follows:

'H Katvi) Aia>;n). Novum Testamentvm, ex Regijs alij*qne optimu etlitiunibu* cum curd erprewum. Lvgdvni Bntavorvm, ex Officina Elzeviriana. clo Io c xxiv. 12mo or 24mo.

(" Cette edition du N. T. ett reputee correcte, mau elle a ete effa- ceepar teUe de 1633." Willems. i. 98.)

'H K .ID-// Am :-//:/;. Novum Testumentum. Rr Regii* aliisque optimu editionibiu, hac nova etpreMum : cut qmd ufcetuerit, Pra- fntio doctbit. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex Offlcina Elzeviriorum. clo 13 c xxx i it. 12mo or 24mo.

The second is the most beautiful and correct edition. One of the two editions dated 1641 (that printed by the Elzevirs for Whituker of London) has notes of Robert Stephens, Joseph Scaligcr, Isaac Cosaubon, etc. Later editions were printed at Amsterdam.

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