Page:The New Yorker 0002, 1925-02-28.pdf/22

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GOINGS ON: THE NEW YORKER's conscientious calendar of events worth while THE TREATRE ROSE-MARIR-Imperial Theatre. MUSIC A musical comedy, of the kind that was CANDIDA-Forty-elgbth Street Theatre. popular when Aunt Fanny was in high

SCHOLA CANTORUM, Carnegie Hall. A revival of Shaw's comedy. A play as school, all full of plots and things, but Tuesday evening, Feb. 24. Kurt Schindler nearly perfect as they come, and nearly with charming music and good voices, and conducting: Mr. Schindler's programs al- perfect cally as they go. --if you're interested in such matter wayı are good, and this one looks better. SILENCE - National Theatre. singularly competent chorur. HAROLD BAUER, Aeollan Hall. Mar Marcia's good old-fashioned melo- Saturday afternoon, Feb. 28. They don't drama of the chivalrous crook, the noble MOVING PICTURES play Schumann any better than Bauer, and con man, now playing in London as well here's a whole afternoon of both. GREED -- Sunma Theatre, 316 Weat 125th 11 in New York, with, fortunately, H. B. Street. DUSOLINA GIANNINI, Carnegie Hau. Warner. Von Stroheim dies in the face of the box. Saturday evening, Feb. 28. Frank La office in filming Frank Norrie's "Mc- THR FIREBRAND--Morocco Theatre Forge, accompanist. This young ringer Teague." Grim and stark. Showing Feb. A highly costumed farce, based on some hat remarkable voice, and then some. ruary 26 and 27. of the dandy time had by Benvenuto Cel- Her first full length recital ought to be lini and a couple of local girl friends. As THE LOST WORLD-Astor Theatre worth your wbile. fresh, amusing, and full of beds as if the Through camera trickery dinosauri and LOUIS GRAVEURE, Town Hall. scene were laid on Long Island. More to. other beasts of the prehistoric past live Sunday afternoon, March 1. Arpad San- THE GUARDSMAN-Booth Theatre. again. A novelty. dor, accompanist. There's a lot of fine singing behind this baritone's beard. A Molnar comedy. A full evening's di- THE LAST LAUGH-Cameo Tbestre venion, provided by Alfred Lunt and An imported German film and 1 milestone CECILIA HANSEN, Carnegie Hall Lynge Fontann, and a piece about a mas. in the progress of the cinema. Superbly Sunday afternoon, March 1. Boris Zak- querading husband in the order named. acted by Emil Janningo. haroff, accompanist. If you'd like to hear a violinist that afternoon, here's one of the IS ZAT 807-Thirty-ninth Street Theatre. beit. A comedy of the adventures of a prize. ART fighter and his manager. If you will just TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. INTERNATIONAL COMPOSERS' GUILD, Aeallan Hall be big-hearted enough to disregard the plot, you will find this, if aot the funniest Wildenstein Galleries. Fourteen paintings Leopold Stokoweki conducting. The con- show in town, at least deserving of a of the French master, most of them new ductor's name is suficient suggestion. rating well up among the frat two. to this country. Don't miss it. AT THE METROPOLITAN. THE SHOW-OFF--Playhouse. BUGENE SPEICHER. Wednesday evening. Pagliacci and Coq Frank K. M. Rehn Galleries. The best d'Or; Thursday afternoon, Rheingold; A comedy of American life and those who work of one of the best American paint- Thursday evening, Falstafl Friday eve- live it. Nothing has touched it. cru. Ends this week. Ring, Die Meistersinger; Saturday after- THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WANTED noon, Giovanni Gallurese; Saturday eve- Kaw Tbeatro. HORATIO WALKER. ning, La Gioconda. A comedy of fertile goingt-on among the Montrou Gallery. Paintings by Horatio WITH THE ORCHESTRAS. grape-growers of Southern California. Walker and ctching by American artists. Pauline Lord's performance alone is enough Don't misa Peggy Bacon. Wednesday evening, State Symphony, Car- negie Hall, Waghalter conducting, Flonza- to make this a notable season. MAURICE PRENDERGAST. lay Quartet, Thursday afternoon, New WHAT PRICE GLORY?-Plymouth Theatre. Kraushaar Galleries. A retrospective ex. York Symphony, Walter conducting, Zath- The greatest, to date, of American war hibition of his studies in light. urezky, soloist Thursday evening, Phil- playi. A story of United States Marines harmonic Orchestra, Carnegie Hall, Men- in action of various kind told without "FIVE AND TEN" ART. gelberg conducting, Van Vliet, soloists Fri- the assistance of Our Flas, the breaking Macy Galleries, Interesting collection of day afternoon, Philbarmonic Orchestra, heart of the world, and the little gray- work of promising young pajatera, rome Carnegie Hall, Mengelberg conducting, haired mother back home. of whom have arrived and some who will. Van Vliet soloist; Friday cvening, New Priced for bargain hunters and modest York Symphony, Carnegie Hall, Walter BIG BOY-Winter Garden. patroni from $24.57 to $99.76. conducting, Zathurezky, toloiny Saturday At Jolmon in it. What more do you want? afternoon, New York Symphony Concert for Young People, Carnegie Hall, Satur- THE GRAB BAG-Globe Theatre. day evening, American Orchestral Society, A revue that includes number in which Town Hall, Chalmers Clifton conducting the ladies of the chorus uoite to form a Sunday afternoon, New York Symphony, gigantic rok. Ed Wynn, in an agglomer- Carnegie Hall, Walter conducting) Sun- ation of somewhat dutty songs and spec. day afternoon, State Symphony, Metropoli- tacles. But, right or wrong, Ed Wyos. tan Opera House, Waghalter conducting, LADY, BE GOOD-Liberty Theatre. Beloutoff soloist. A nice little musical comedy, with the co- viably active Astaire od the most de- OTHER EVENTS lightful score in the city, REGIMENTAL REVIEW, 711t lafantry THE MUSIC BOX REVUE-Music Box. Armory The fourth of these annual rhapsodies in Park Ave. and 34th St., Thursday, Feb. cxpense. With Fannie Brice, Bobby 26, 8.30 p. m. Major Gen. Charles P. Clarke, and practically everybody clue. Summerall, reviewing officer. PATIENCR Greenwich Village Theatre. SOCIETY OF THE GENRSEE, Hotel com- A revival of one of Gilbert and Sullivan's finest, done with understanding, imagina- Annual dinner, Friday, Feb. 27. Speakers tion, and taste. Not a voice in the com- include Lieut. Gov. Seymour Lowman, pany, but you'd be surprised how much chat Police Commisioner Richard E. Enright, doesn't matter. Newcomb Carlton and Dr. John T. Clarke,
