Page:The New Yorker 0002, 1925-02-28.pdf/30

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Pre-Inventory Sale a Washington Notes Spats do help, but this department at- cributes the well groomed appearance of

MAYBE some of these leaks of state Senator Borah to the use of the comb

secrets which the Senate threatens which he carries in his vest pocket. to investigate may be accounted for by the reprehensible practice of evesdropping on the President when he takes his daily walk. To test this theory your correspon- Ever since Mr. Coolidge declined a dent's agent trailed along the other day private car to Chicago on ground of ex- and kept his ears open. The President's pense to the public, your correpondent companion was a member of an important has been alarmed lest the President should official circle. This is what was heard: discover that it costs as much to take the "Aren't you going to put on your rubMayflower out for a week-end as it does bers?" the President asked as they left the to run a whole train to Chicago and back. White House. "Kind of damp under foot." "Yes, I guess maybe I'd better." If the Monday Night Opera Clab in "I never go out this time of year with- New York is still as zealous for the royal- out mine," said the President as they ist cause as it was at last reports, it might passed through the gate. look into the case of the Queen of Ru- "I shouldn't, but I get careless." mania. The cables say Her Majesty "Now aren't you glad you have your wants to visit us if she can possibly get rubbers on?" asked the President as his away. This is probably true. Marie has companion stepped in a puddle in the been willing to discover America for a yonder side of Lafayette Park. long time, but the custom of our country "My shine would have been ruined, is that foreign rulers come here only when Mr. President," acknowledged the latter, they have official invitations, which for "Good thing we both have our rub. the confidential information of the Op- bers," said Mr. Coolidge, picking his way cra Club, are issued by the State Depart- around a place in Sixteenth Street where ment.Quid the sidewalk was torn up. “We could scarcely get about without them." "That was a fine walk," said the Presi- Speaking of the Theatre dent as they regained the White House THERE is the ticket-speculator who Back with our feet nice and dry." for eleven dollars, and there is the eight- thirty curtain that rises at seven minutes to nine, There is the woman directly in front of These lines will introduce to you that you who drapes her cloak over the back of time-tried public servant, the Honorable her seat so that it falls in your lap, and J. Scott Wolff, Congressman from Festus, there is the fushed young man who stag- Mo., who is so mindful of the interests gers down the aisle during the middle of of his constituents that he carries two the second act. watches, one set by Washington and one There is the old man on your right by Missouri time. who falls asleep, and there is the girl on your left who never stops talking. There is the actor who wears spats with his dinner jacket, and there is the actor They were guying Nick Longworth whose French Aavors strongly of Jersey about his spats. How did he expect to City: get himself clected Speaker of the next There is the theatre party that is in a House unless he came through with some constant state of giggling throughout the concessions to the plain people! And as performance, and there is the unfortunate the Congressman was surely aware, the whose tickets are for the wrong night. plain people bloc in the House remains There are the ushers who applaud with faithful to that great plebian over in the tremendous enthusiasm. other wing, the senior Senator from Wis- There is the fellow who laughs at the consin, wrong time. “What has LaFollette got to do with There is the fellow who never laughs. it?” asked Nick. And, of course, there is the play, it- "He might have a lot to do with you." self.-Charles G. Shatu "I guess you are right. Will one of you go and find out for me in a quiet way where LaFollette stands on this spat issue!" "Gens. O'Ryan and Allen to Discuss A little later one of Mr. Longworth's War."--Heading in the Sun. Whereas adherents saw the Senator on the Senate Gen. Sherman just cussed it. Hoor. From the militant mane of hair the observer's gaze travelled downward until it caught sight of the most aggressive Beauty, according to the ideas of the pair of spats in all Washington. Jazz Generation, is only sin deep. A complete clearance of bigh character Furs, priced so low as to make your purchase a wise investment. Included are coats, capes, wraps and scarfs of auth: entic style in all the sea- son's Fashionable Furs. "It pays to buy where you buy in safety" AJEK-L Furs A. JAECKEL & CO. Furriers Exclusively Fifth Ave Between 354&36" Sts. New York Digitized by Google