Page:The New Yorker 0002, 1925-02-28.pdf/5

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Guard and at the time of his death was one of that By the way, the oyster scare seems to be finished. vcnerable body's honorary members along with such Despite the sudden appearance of small cards attached notables as King Albert, the Prince of Wales, to the cartes du jour in restaurants, which testified that Marshals Foch, Joffre and Haig, Generals Pershing, the oysters in those restaurants were not only germless Wood and Bullard, and until the election of President but the social equals of the best hors d'ouvres in the Harding, was the only President to be placed among world, people refused to eat them. The oyster deal- such honored warriors.

ers, I'm told, lost millions by the typhoid talk. Some Rarely is there a big parade in New York which restaurants even eliminated oysters from the cuisine. is not headed by the Old Guard, their massive shakos Clams held on to their social tone by great effort. But held in place by chin chains. During the war as well just as suddenly as they were tabooed, have their as afterward it was especially busy acting as a guard brother bivalves returned in favor. of honor to the many visiting foreign dignitaries. Last year and the year before that the ball was held at the Commodore, where the long ballroom gave opportu- Have you observed, of late, how fastidious everyone nity for a more impressive “massing of the colors" has become in the matter of liquor? Not only a par- than was possible at the Waldorf-Astoria, where the ticular brand, but a definite vintage and especially- ball took place this year on Friday night, February 6. shaped bottle are now almost always demanded. We In fact at one time during the evening it appeared sniff and scrutinize with the utmost care. What a that a messing of the colors would be the only result. change from the first year of the Eighteenth Amend- But the Old Guard, together with the representatives ment, when cocktails were manufactured out of any- of similar veteran military organizations from nearby thing liquid, and whatever had a kick passed muster. cities, managed to unscramble themselves in a some- But we have become quite as particular to-day as we what unmilitary fashion, After hoarse commands ever were in those dear distant times prior to July, and counter orders from perspiring commanders had 1920. proved unavailing, the members were shoved into place and reviewed by Governor Alfred E. Smith, and all voted the exhibition a "brilliant military display." Van Bibler TIL

Mary Hay at Ciro's