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CDA $350 for 50 Packs 95 1or 100 Packs Monogram (Trademarked and Copyrighted) Match Packs WITH YOUR OWN INITIALS Colors of Match Packs: Gold, Silver, Light Blue, Black, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple, Lavender Colors of Initials: Gold, Silver, Black, White. Smart for the Vanity Case-Ideal for the Hos- tess. F the financial rewards of playwrit- and Stallings are likely to find themselves ing, when one is so fortunate as to sharing $7,000 to $8,000 a week for the hit it just right, a good deal has already major portion of next season, been written. The most recent conspicu- ous examples are Maxwell Anderson and Laurence Stallings, authors of "What To those who venture the reproof that Price Glory?" It is an open secret that last week's backstage glimpses of Jobyna that play has earned for them about $900 Howland constituted an intrusion into weekly ($900 apiece, that is) since it what is sometimes laughably described as opened at the Plymouth six months ago. private life, it might be pointed out that But that is the merest beginning. Stall- Arthur Springer began it. ings, for example, has gone to the Coast In the last number of Hearst's Interna- to work on a film version of his novel, tional, before it was sopped up by the "Plumes." For that labor he will be paid Cosmopolitan, Mr. Springer, with a cloth- $500 a week for the six weeks of prepa- ing score dummy's instincts of privacy, ration, and then, if the results be satis- described at some length his emotions on factory, a lukewarm $25,000 will be his. being placed next Miss Howland at din- Strictly spcaking, this is not to be in- ner. It seems he was married to her for cluded under the rewards of playwriting, many years, they having sushed off to- but there is no doubt that the success of gether to the Little Church Around the his play quadrupled the price that is being Corner at a time when she, to quote his paid for his novel. very words, was just "a crazy-hearted It will be next scason, however, that child of impulse." Now, if hostesses the Messrs. Anderson and Stallings will throw them together, she still calls him reap the really big rewards. There will “Lil Artie" but he does not go on to say be three companies of "What Price whether he gets even by saluting her with Glory?" and these should bring a conser- the name that the elder Howlands be- vative $2,000 weekly to each of the play- stowed on her at birth. For she was not wrights. christened Jobyna. Her name is Lulu. Their second play, "The Buccaneer," will be produced next season, and there will certainly be a third and perhaps a The harried expression recently worn fourth. The ways of the theatre are un- by William A. Brady, Jr., can be traced certain, of course, and success has a habit directly to a new Broadway custom of sa- of tapping one lightly on the shoulder luting that innocent bystander with some and then skipping on to pastures new. such phrase as: "Good bad afternoon to But, even at a modest estimate, Anderson you, sir."-Dr. Winkle A Charming Gift-Packed in a Tin Mail order and check at once to: THE CAN-DLE-LUXE SHOP (CANDLES OF QUALITY 619-N MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK Also currled by such smart shopee Lord & Taylor New York Alfred Dunhill, Ltd. New York B. Aftmen & Co. New York The Ritz-Carlton Hotel New York Kaufman & BACT Pitesburg Gimbel Broe. New York Hall's Chicago James B. Russell New York Sake & Co. New York Daniel Low & Co. Salem S. S. Pierce Corapany Boston M. T. Bird & Company Boston L. 8. Ayres & Co. Indianapola M. M. Importing Co. New York Boggs & Buh Pittsburgh Sim & Co., Inc. Troy What Price Ideas? CALVIN. Ay-ah. You got a right to spend it as you see fit. But gosh!-ten Tin the White House and executive THRIFT, thrift, Horatio!- Expenses dollars just for an idea!-L. H. offices total about $367,000 a year. Not because Cal doesn't try. Soap's been cure tailed. The towel supply has been re- For Practical Purposes duced. They're using hard lead pencils instead of soft. "How do you stand," we asked the But it's not enough. Over his official veteran congressman, "on this matter of signature as "Disbursing Clerk," N. B. the battleship versus the airship?" Webster makes the following offer to “How do I stand? How would any White House employees: practical man stand?" rasped the honora- "... I shall be glad to award a prize of ble one. "How could you put an air- $10 from personal funds to the employce ship in a drydock and make three months' who submits the best suggestion for bringing work for a thousand constituents over- about a reduction of cepense." haulin' and repairin' her? The battle- Yes, honest and true—10 whole dol- ship may be obsolete in war, my boy, but lars! But the scheme must have had she isn't in politics!" President Coolidge's sanction. Why not thus! CALVIN COOLIDGE. You think we ought to be that lavish—wouldn't five When your job ser do? Or geven and a half? mere ma N. B. WEBSTER. No. Men with ideas When you th cost money these days. Anyhow, it's my Just grit your own money. And the jol KAY AND ELLINGER, INC. 342-N Madison Avenue New York The Monogram Match Co., 319 De Young Bldg.. San Francisco Digitized by Google