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The NEW MIX Washington Notes Mithe ambassador to Spain, came back on leave with a string of anecdotes which throw an important light on the trend of affairs in Madrid. One gathers that if Alfonso does not appear before the popu- lace as much as formerly it is because he is detained at the palace swapping stories with the American envoy. Mr. Moore was telling the facts at the White House one evening, and paused, as a skilled raconteur will, to permit his au- ditors to get the effect. “Grace," said the President to Mrs. Coolidge, "what is that cat doing running around here in the library?” Active Fruit Dental Cream PASTES Dostli TUBE Sweetens Breath Cleans Teeth Cares for Gums An Absolutely New Creation! Daily Increasing in Popularity Try It! So Different-So Satisfying You can't always make Coolidge out as easily as that, though. When he gave the sap bucket to Henry Ford everybody ex- claimed how spontaneously Yankeefied it The man who thought up that stunt was a well remunerated press agent who comes from New Orleans which, like Plymouth Notch, is situated in a syrup producing country. was. 2 DISTINCT CREAMS Pink White for for Teeth Gums AT ALL DRUG STORES 50cts HYPATIA CORS-O-BAND THE natural grace of American Woman- You know how non-committal a doctor is. When a doctor gets to be a Senator- well, they tell this of Copeland: “Senator, those sheep in that field are shorn closely." “Yes on this side they are." New-Mix Products Inc. 7 W. 45 St. Bryant 1218 THE NEW YORKER
Fifteen a quart or a dollar a snort for Scotch. The liquor situation in this town gets worse and worse. This department suggests another Congressional junket to Panama. One Congressman who was down there on official business last fall already is so low on his stock that he is passing out bay rum. Still, his popular- ity hasn't suffered any-British West In- dies bay rum is preferable hereabouts to "nigger gin" from Four-and-a-half Strect, S.W. Naval officers bring it back and do wonders with it. Tonsorial party is the correct colloquialism for an occasion at which it is the piece de resistance. THE NEW YORKER in published every Tuesday in New York City by the F-R Publishing Corp, 25 West 45th Street. H. W. Ros, presidents R. H. FLEICHMAN, vice-president, R. W. COLLINS, secretary and treas urer. hanced by Cors O-Band, the Ceinture recently adopted by prominent women of Society and the Stage. The backless model illustrated, designed for Evening Wear, is fashioned of finest material, and closely confines the hips, while affording entire freedom to the upper part of the body. The CORS-O-BAND gently yet firmly controls both Diaphragm and Bust, easily adjusted, fastening at left side front with cleverly concealed hooks and eyes, gives support just where it is needed and assures the flat straight back line below the waist. Strape are detachable and may be dispensed with for evening wear. A Particular Garment for Particular Women BATISTE ..$10.50 SILK BROCADE 18.50 SKINNER BOOT SATIN 38.50 SILK JERSEY 35.00 i preferred-you may order by mail-giving exact natural beasurement of hips, waist and bunt - Visit our Cornet Studio and be fitted by an expert corsetiere, under the personal supervuion of our designer Mail Orders Given Careful Attention WRITE POR CATALOGUE --Dept. 26 Subacription, $s. yaar Canada, $5.50 foreign $6. All text and illustrations appearing in Tux New YORKER are copyrighted. Subscribers should notify this office at least one week prior to any change of addren. If memory serves, your correspondent attended one of these gatherings the other night, sharing with a senator's secretary the honor of being the least distinguished guest. The apparent effects the next day were a certain nervous shyness (oiled my typewriter so it won't squeak so) and a cut on the chin. 'The latter was self-in- flicted while shaving. The safe course after a tonsorial party is a visit to the barber.Quid Advertising rates will be furnished upon application. Unsolicited contributions will not be returned unless accompanied by stamped and addrewed envelopes. THE NEW YORKER cannot be held re-
- ponsible for los or non-return of
contributions Hypatia "Wecks Says Army Neede Funde Badly" — Headline in the Times. "And that," the cynic answers, "is how it uses 'em." 20-22-24 West 37th Street Just off Fifth Avenue NEW YORK, N.Y. Digitized by Google