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New Zealand Gazette

No. I.
Wednesday, August 21, 1839.
[Price 9D.

No. I, a Specimen Number of the New Zealand Gazette, a Newspaper for the First and Principal Settlement of the New Zealand Land Company, which it is supposed will be at Port Nicholson, in Cook's Straits, is now presented to the public. It will be found to contain various information interesting to the Colony now on the eve of departing, to their friends, and to those who may wish to be acquainted with the principles, objects, and local circumstances of the Colony, and the actual proceedings of the Colonists to the present time. The Second Number will be published in New Zealand as soon after the arrival of the Colony as it may be found possible to print it, which, it is hoped, will be within a fortnight of the disembarkation of the Colonists; and as ships pass through Cook's Straits almost daily, on their return from Australia to Europe, it is expected that immediate and frequent opportunity will be afforded for transmitting the second and subsequent numbers to England.

Price of this specimen number, 9d.; annual subscription £1 10s., in advance.

Orders received by Mr D. Ramsay, at the New Zealand Agency Office and Subscription Reading Rooms, 5 Adam street, Adelphi.

Under engagement to sail, 15th September, for South Australia and Port Philip,

Calling at Plymouth, and having three-fourths of her cargo engaged, will be dispatched with the same punctuality as the "Carline,"

The fast-sailing ship Orissa, A 1, 450 Tons, James Brown, Comander, lying in the St Katherine's Docks. Has a poop, lofty between decks, first rate accommodation, and will carry a Surgeon.

For freight or passage apply to Richards, Wood, and Co., 117 Bishipsgate street Within; or to Charles Dod and Co., 17, Mark lane.

AGENCY. BANK OF AUSTRALIA, I, a Specimen Number of the CHURCH IN EPISCOPAL NEW ZEALAND. Office, 38 Old Broad London NO. NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE, News- UNION — hayingformed SUBSCRIBERS rpHE Directors George Fife Angas, Esq. Robert Committee. Jpaper for the First and Principal Settlement of Co-partnership, purpose proceeding with a

the New Zealand Land Company, which it is supposed will be at PortNicholson, in Cook's Stralt*,is now presentedto thepublic. It willbefound to contain variousinformation interesting to the Colony now on the eveof departing, to their friends,and to those who may wish to be acquainted with the principles, objects, and local circumstances of the Colony, and the actual proceedings of the Colonists to the present time. The Second Number will be published inNew Zealand as soonafter the arrival df the Colony as it may be found possible to print it, which, itis hoped, will be within a fortnight of the disembarkationof the Colonists ;and as ships pass through Cook's Straits almost daily, on their return from Australia to Europe, it is expected that immediate and frequent opportunity will be afforded for transmitting the second and sub■equent'numbersto England. Price of this specimen number, 9d. ; annual subscription, £1 10s., in advance. Orders received by Mr D. Ramsay, at the New Zealand Agency Office and Subscription Reading Rooms, 5 Adam street, Adelphi.


Brooks, Esq.;JamesJohn Cummins, Esq.;Robert


Hon. Francis Baring, M.P. the First Colony on the25th of August to Niw Sir G. Sinclair, Bart., M.P. Zealand, where they will establish themselves. Briscoe, J. Ivatt Esq., M.P. They take the present opportunity to offer their William Hutt, Esq., M.P. services to their friends and others as Agents for J. Abel Smith, Esq., M.P. the Management of Landed Property, the PurRev. Samuel Hinds, D.D. chase and Saleof Merchandise, and the SuperinG. S. Evans,Esq., D.C.L. tendence of Shipping and other Agency Business. Rev. W. Sehvyn, M. A. Their Cotrespondents in London are Messrs E. Hals well, Esq., M.A. Buckle, Bagster, and Buckle. Swainson, W. Esq., F.R.S. DANIELL and RIDDIFORD. H. Moreing, Esq., F.A.S. London, August 19, 1839. Captain Daniell. Henry St Hill, Esq. COLONY OF NEW ZEALAND AGENCY. ' COLOKIAIi ESTABLISHMENTS. E. B. Hopper,Esq. GENTLEMAN of active business Colonial Inspector John Cunningham MacBankeks. habits, possessing a practical knowledge- of Messrs Smith, Payne, and Smiths. laren, Esq. art of Surveying, and being well acquainted At a meetingof intending Colonists and others the At Sydney, New South Wales. Land, is about toestablish himLocal Directors Thomas , Gore, Esq.: Ran- interested in establishing a branch of the Church with the value of nulph Dacre, Esq. ;Philip Flower, Esq. ;S. K. of England in New Zealand, held this day at the selfin the above Colony, and wouldbe willing to Offices of the New Zealand Land Company, John undertake the local management of ai Estate for Salting, Esq. Ivatt Bkiscoe, Esq., M.P. in the Chair, the fol- any Gentleman who has invested Capital in the Manager Mr Maclaren. purchase ofLand there, and who may require s lowing Accountant Mr James Sea. " Resolutions were passedunanimously. 1. The Society for the Propagation of the Gos- confidential Agent to superintend the choice of At Hobart Town, VanDiemen's Land. " to see that the allotment is from time to Local Directors Alfred Garrett, Esq. ;Joseph pel in Foreign Parts having consented "to location Under engagement to sail, 15th September, for G. Jennings, Esq. ;Atkin Morrison, Esq. grant a salary of 100/. per annum for three time disposed ofin themost advantageousmanner— and generally topreserve therights and interestsof years, together with a grant for outfit, to any Manager Cornelius Driscoll,Esq. SOUTH AUSTRALIA and PORT well-qualified Clergyman whoshall be willing the Proprietor. Unexceptionablereferences will Accountant— Mr David Kennedy. PHILIP, At Launceston. .to* undertake the duty of Chaplain to the be given and required. Calling at Plymouth, and having three-fourths of Address, by letter (post paid), to P. K. R., Colony which is about proceeding to .New


Direclo/s— Michael Conolly, Esq. dispatched with the "her cargo engaged, will be street, Cheapside. " Resolved, that this liberality on 38 Queen Zealand;"

Philip Oakden, Esq. ;

liam Fletcher, Esq. as m punctuality Caroline," same the Thomas Williams, Esq. the part of the Society be met by a corresmm t None but Principals need apply. ponding measure on thepart of the friendsof -3** rpHE FAST-SAILINGSHIP> Manager Lewis W. Gilles, Esq. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY. JyUSk X ORISSA, Al, 450 Tons. Accountant Mr John Hartridge. the Colony and the Emigrants. Brown, Commander, lying in 2. That 200/. per annum be guaranteed to the At Campbleton Sub-branch. BRITISH AND COLONIAL Clergyman, in addition to the salary allowed Agent John McLeod, Esq. k»Vs&s©the St Katherine's Docks. EXPORT COMPANY, 98 Leadenhall Has a poop, lofty between decks, first rate acby the Society. street, in addition to their other Colonial Agencies, At Melbourne, Port Philip. commodation,and will carry a Surgeon. 3. That a House and Glebe beprovided for the havebeen requested by several influential parties, Local Directors John Gardner, Esq. ; For freight or passage apply to Richards, Wood, Rucker, Esq. Clergyman for the time being. proceeding as Settlers to that country, to act as Cc, "and 117 Bishopsgate street Within; or to Manager William Highett, Esq. 4. That every exertion be made to complete Commercial Agents for the First Colony of New Charles Dod and Co., 17, Marklane. the subscriptions required for building the Zealand. The Export Company, whose Manager Church. BANK IN NEW ZEALAND. has been a good deal in New Zealand and the 5. That the foregoing Resolutions be published neighbouring British Colonies in Australia, are FIRST SCOTCH COLONY FOR NEW The Directors of the New Zealand Land Cominthenewspapers, for informationofthose the ZEALAND. ready, therefore, to undertake any commission pany hereby give notice that they haveeffected an Clergymen of the Church of England who business which intending Emigrants may require with the Directors of theUnion Bank ship BENGAL arrangement to Candidatesfor the disposed may -k*3be Australia; which, inpursuance of a Branch of .become previous to sailing, as well as during their absence MERCHANT, of 503 tons, of Union Bank appointment. will be established forthwith on from Great Britain, especially purchasing and JBT Qwk.having been chartered to sail from the Subscriptions received by members ofthe Com- shipping goods adapted to the Colony ; whilst to the First and Settlement. Company's Principal »cjjj"]|»v|^3Jjjg Greenock in September next, par- The Directors therefore to the mittee, or by the Bankers, Messrs Smith, Patme, such partiesas may favour them with their busities intending to join the Colony are requested to Colonists the Union Bank recommend ness, the most unreserved information will be of Australia, as a and Smiths. do so on or before the 20th August current, in means of effecting their pecuniary transactions afforded as to the nature of the country they are order that the necessary preliminary arrangements with convenience OUTFITTING WAREHOUSE. and security. going to, the employment and prospects of the SONS, and may be made for the Voyage. TAMES RICHARDSON By order of the Directors, Settlers, together with the best modes of investstreet, Wapping, near the London The selection ofEmigrants from the applicants 72 High WARD, JOHN ing capital,&c. &c. &c. Secretary. Dock Bridge. for a free passage will be proceeded with as soon New Zealand Land Company's As these valuable Islands eminently possess in Office, as possible. Each applicant will receive aprinted Gentlemen proceeding to India, Australia, and their soil and climate, rivers and harbours; flax, 1Adam street, Adelphi, circular, mentioning the day on which he is to New Zealand, are fully equipped withevery article fisheries, 20th 1839. and forests, the materials of S.greatand August, attend, before the 20th current, at the Company's requisite for the voyage, on the shortest notice. powerful people, there is no reason to doubt the Office. NEW ZEALAND BANKING COMPANY. immediate success of the First Colony, and, with JOHN CRAWFORD, Secretary. TO EMIGRANTS MEDICINE the usual energies of Englishmen, that New ZeaCapital £100,000 sterling, in 5,000 shares CHESTS, &c. New Zealand Land Company's Office, land will become, in process of time, one of the of .£2O each. 24 Queen street, Glasgow, 13th August, 1839. HORDER, of 20 Fenchurch " street, begs to call the attention of those proudest possessionsof the British Crown. AppliDeposit One pound per share. cations to be made to EMIGRANT SHIPS FOR NEW A RRANGEMENTS are inprogress for parties who may be in want of Medicine Chests British and Colonial Export Company, ZEALAND. ■£*- the immediate formation of this Bank, and to a large assortment at his Establishment, which 98, Leadenhall street. he to offer to the Public on begs respectfully for the commencement of business in the first or most the New Zealand Directors of T. HORTON JAMES, Land Company hereby give notice that the principal settlement about to be founded by the such terms as will defy competition. Resident Manager. A great variety of Seidlctz Cases, filled, at Company's Ships will sail for theFirst and Princi- New Zealand Land Company. One half of thesubscribed capital to be called 4s. 6d. each;Seidletz Powders, Is.6d. a box, or pal Settlement, as undermentioned :— AY, Agent to the New up in quarterly instalments of £2 10s. per share, two for 2s. 6d. ;Carbonate of Soda, Is. per lb. ; " Zealand Land The Oriental, 506 Tons, Company for the Sale of and the deposit of 1/. per share to make part of Tartaric Acid, 3s. 6d. per lb. The Aurora, 550 Tons, LandA liberal allowance to Captains and Shippers. the first instalment. The Adelaide, 640 Tons, D. Ramsay, oneof theearliest advocates in the A more detailed prospectus will be issued in a j TO BUILDERS, WHARFINGERS, AND From London,on Tuesday, the 10th of Septem- short time : in the meantime, causeof Emigration, hasbeeninduced,attheearnest applications for OTHER CAPITALISTS ber next. PROCEEDING solicitation of various friends (patrons of the preshares will be received by Mr David Ramsay, The Duke of Roxburgh, 417 Tons, TO NEW ZEALAND. sent colony), to open an the immediate tbn New Zealand Subscription Rooms, No. 5 LET on Building neighbourhood of the New Zealand LandComLondon, SeptemFrom on Tuesday, the 10th of BE SOLD or Adam street, Adelphi; James Bridges, Esq., Section, being ber and from Plymouth, on Satuiday, the14th of W.S., Hanover street, Edinburgh; and John Leases a Town and Country pany, where gentlemen who-may wish to purchase) the second in the order of choice, in the first Lands, and those who think of emigrating, may be September next. Crawford, 24 Queen street, Glasgow. -The Bengal Merchant, 503 Tons, British settlement in New Zealand. For the supplied with the prospectus, and all the publica15th August, 1839. convenience of Purchasers or Tenants, these sec- tions of the Company relative to the Colonization From London, on Tuesday, the 10th of Septemtions will be sold or let either wholly or in part; ofNew Zealand. TENDERS FOR HAMBURGH BEEF ber, and from the Clyde, on* Tuesday, the 17th of and it is proposed that the right of selection shall D. Ramsay is prepared to contract with GenAND PORK. September next. be confided to the largest purchaser or holder. tlemen for the supply of Portable Cottages, to be By order of the Directors, Directors of the New ZealandLand Apply to Mr George Morphett, 3 Bream's build- manufactured on his own premises under theimJOHN WARD, Secretary. Company hereby give notice that they will ings, Chancery lane. mediate inspection of any Gentleman who' may New Zealand Land Company's Office, be ready on Wednesday, 21st day of August inst., honour him withhis patronage ;and for the purIAdam street, Adelphi, at two o'clock in the afternoonprecisely, to reoeive CHAMof affording the best practical information, pose XT'AMONSON'SINODOROUS 20th. August, 1839. Tenders from persons willing to supply for ship- i-i BER CONVENIENCE, more he has engaged a skilful and intelligent mechanic little at ment the under-mentioned articles, viz. :— than the cost of the common slop-pail,may be had to superintend that department. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEAjLAND, 260 barrels prime'Hamburgh Beef, inbond. fittedup with a taste suitable to the most elegant D. Ramsay having opened accounts upon an EMIGRATION BOARDING HOUSE, 200 barrels prime Hamburgh Pork, in bond.

will befound well worthy the inspec-> extensive scale with the principal manufacturers of

. bed-rooms j The terms and of Contract particulars may No. 20 Burr street, St Katherine's Docks, the Birmingham, Manchester, Shefseen, on application to the Secretary, at the ! tion of^ the Nobility and Gentry, at the sole Wolverhampton, manufacturers, Eamonson and Company, the field, &c. &c, will undertake to supply every* most conveniently situated, and neatly be , Office. Company's Exeter Hall Bedding and Cabinet Factory, 393 description of goods, furniture, and stores, to any furnished for Families;and Gentlemen about I By order of the Board, Strand, between*the Adelphi Theatre and Exeter extentrequisite for the Colony or Settlementabout' to emigrate to either of the above Colonies will i JOHN WARD, tobe formedinNew Zealand,on thelowest possible find every attention paid to their comfort, com- i New Zealand Land Company's Office, Secretary. Hall. t To Emigrants and Settlers inparticular, during terms. bined with very moderate charges, having the street, Adelphi, 1 Adam the passage, it will be foundinvaluable. Aliberal A list ofarticles in generalrequisition, with the advantage of being in the immediate neighbour14th August, 1839. allowance made by taking a quantity. prices affixed, will be furnished in a fevr days. hood of the London and Sf Katherine's Docks, No. 5 Adamstreet, Adelphi, in a respectable and quiet neighbourhood. FREE PASSAGE. PORTABLE COfLONIAL COTTAGES. 15th August, 1839. Private sitting rooms, and large warehouses, PEACOCK, Manufacturer, West to NEW ZEALAND. , "*-* TJIMIGRA.TION packing rooms, &c. &c. " street, Walworth, Surrey, on themost imThe Directors of the New Zealand Land P. S. A letter addressed as above will be C. LOCKHART, Seedsmeic " and Florists, Company hereby give notice that they are ready to provedprinciples, to pack up in a small compass. 156 Cheapside, London, punctually attended to. doors, windows, &c, receive applications for a Free Passage to their May be fitted with complete. beg most respectfully to call the attention of.the of Colony principal rmsT and sittlkment, from Mechanics, L4L R. P. made those occupied in the and Emigrants to New Zealand to their TO INTENDING EMIGRANTS. Gardeners, and Agricultural Labourers, being Port4 Adelaide, Port Philip, &c, by Col. Litch- Company of Agricultural, Garden, and Flower Seeds, , YOUNGMAN of respectability,prac- married, and not . exceeding 30 years of age. field, I.M. Litchfield, M.D., R. Williams, T. J. stock catalogues of which,may be had gratis on posttically experiencedin thebreeding, rearing, Strict inquiry willbe made as to qualifications and Higgins, R. Davis, T. Adams, T. Orr, Esqrs., paid ' application.. fattening, and general management of Sheep, character. The Company's Emigrant Ship's will and others;and,is also erectinglarge houses for » Cattle, Horses, and other Live Stock, tenders' his sail from England early in September next. the Hon. H. Petre, F. A. Molesworth, G. Duppa, to any gentleman about to proceed to Further particulars and printed, forms of appli- Captain Edward Daniell, E. B. Hopper, G. AGRICULTURAL and KITCHEN Australia, Van.Diemen's Land, or New Zealand, cation may be obtained at the Company's Offices. Hunter, Esq., and others about to proceed to XJI. GARDEN SEEDS in- large or .small as STOCK MAN, HEAD SHEPHERD, or By order of the Directors, New Zealand, Van Diemen's Land, and the Assortments for Settlers, in New Zealand, aijd aIL.< GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. JOHN WARD, Secretary. Colonies.' other Colonies,., carefully packed by Gordon, Apply, post-paid, to H. 8., care of Mr. W. No. 1 Adam street, Adelphi, Plans and models may be seen as above, Let- Thomson, and Co.", Seedsmen, 25 Fenchurch. Innes, bookseller,Hanover-street, Edinburgh. street,London. {::--i ■'- "_* June 15, 1839. tersof inquiry only post-paid. 1

Gardner, Esq., Manchester; John Gore, Esq.; Charles Hindley, Esq.,M.P.;BenjaminEphraim Lindo, Esq. ; Charles Edward Mangles, Esq.; Christopher Rawson, Esq., Halifax; Thomas Sands,Esq.,Liverpool;James Bogle Smith, Esq.; James Ruddell Todd, Esq. Trustees —George Carr Glyn, Esq. ;John Gore, Esq. ;James John Cummins, Esq. Banker* Messrs Glyn, Hallifax,Mills, and Co. Soliritors Messrs Bartlett and Beddome. Secretary Samuel Jackson, Esq.

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