Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/594

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Avalanche, 47. Avenarius, F ., work by, cited , 351 n .; purpose of Das Bild als Verleumder, 396 n .

Awakener, 48.

Ayer, N . W . & Son,work by, cited, 48 n.

“ Beat.”

See " Scoop.”

Beatty-Kingston , W ., articles by, cited , 182 n ., 183 n ., 185 n .

Beaumont, M ., on anonymous jour nalism , 67-68. Becker, Carl, on Brunetière and Aulard , 303 n .; on criticism , 318 .

Babbitt, Irving, on critics and criticism ,

Bee , 47.

288, 289– 290 ; New Laokoon of, 289 ; list of critics by, 290 n . Bachaumont, de, memoirs of, cited, 4 n .

Bee Hive , 47. Beecher, Henry Ward , sermons of, in press, 92 n .; as editor of Christian

Bacon , E . M . & Weeks, L . H ., work by, cited , 49 n .

Bacon , Francis, quoted , 249; Montagu 's edition of works of, 299. Bacon, Henry, picture of Franklin by 393 n .

Bagot, R ., on book reviews, 301 n .; pro posal of, 318 n . Baines, Mr., 251.

Baines, Edward , Autobiography of, cited , 94 n .

Baker, Alfred , work by, cited , 15 n. Baker, Newton D ., article by, cited , 255 n .

Baker, R . S., article by, cited , 209 n . Balkan War, Bennett on censors and war correspondents in , 208 n .; Brooks

on war correspondent in , 211 ; censorship in , 212 n .

Ballantyne, James, Scott's letter to, quoted, 311.

Bamberger, L ., cited , 320 . Bamford, Samuel, reporters and coroner, account by, 167. Banfield, Frank, article by, cited , 234 n ., 241 n ., 243 n ., 246 n .; on the inter view , 247 .

Union , 370. Beerbohm , Max, caricature of Kipling by , 24 n .

B . É . F . Times, The, 24 n . Beggars , newspapers for, 27. Belgium , foreign war correspondents barred by , 204, 205 n .; von Bissing's interviews in press of, 240; relief of, 338, 339 ; deportations in , 351 n .;

symbol of, 401. .

Belisle , A ., work by, cited , 26 n . Bell, 48 . Bell, Moberly , cited, 255. Belloc, Hilaire, article by , cited , 303 n . Bells' Life in London , 380 n . Benedict XV, faked interview with, 238 n .

Bennett, Arnold, on book reviewing, 301 n .

Bennett, E . N ., on censors and war cor respondents, 208 n .; on false war news, 210 .

Bennett , James Gordon , 251; Memoirs of, cited , 119 n ., 423 n .; on court re

porting, 178; on special correspond ent, 182. Bennett, R ., chapter by, cited , 363 n .

Banks, E . L ., article by, cited , 31 n.;

Benson , A . C ., on book reviews, 305 n .

work by , cited , 234 n ., 246 n . Banner , 48 . Baptists, Macaulay and the, 171 n .

Beresford , Reverend James, Twelve Labours of an Editor, 285. '

Barbadoes (W . 1.) Weekly Illustrated Paper , photographs in , 394 n . Barbour, V ., article by, cited , 401 n . Barrel and Box, 48 . Barrett, C . R . B ., article by, cited , 221 n . Barrett, J. Pressley ,work by, cited , 91 n . Barrie, J . M ., work by, cited, 301 n . Barton, A . O ., article by, cited , 26 n . Bas, Sir Hedley Le, on war advertise ments, 340 n . Bate, Henry , first journalist to receive

title , 88 n .

Battersby, H . F . P., article by, cited , 227 n .

Baury, Louis, article by, cited , 377 n .

Bergengren , R ., on comic supplement, 62.

Berkeley ,Grantley , Fraser attacked by, 313 n .

Berlin , control of newspapers in, 22 n.; localnews of, 487 . Berliner Tageblatt, 132. Berner Bund, cited , 398 n . Bernhardi, cartoonists ignorant of, 399 .

Besant, Walter, on letters to London papers , 57 - 58 ; on book reviews, 301 n .; on the editor, 302; on critics, 302 n . Besser, M . H ., 486 n . Beste , J. Richard, on American news

paper, 252; on illustrated advertise mg

Bayley, F . W . N ., Vizetelly on, 392 n .

ents, 403 n . Bethlehem Steel Co ., 345.

Bayonne, N . J., strike at, 344 .

Bethmann -Hollweg , Chancellor von,

Bazaine, Marshal, surrender of, 214 n . Beacon, 48.

socialists planned to interpellate , 354 ; cartoonists ignorant of , 399.

Beaconsfield . See Disraeli, Benjamin .

Bever, A . van , ed ., work by, cited , 4 n.