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., 250 n .

Cook , E . T ., on Delane, 14 n ., 35 n ., 270 n ., 302 n .; work on Edmund Garrett, cited , 73 n ., 154 n ., 189 n ., 266 n .; on war correspondence, 197 n . ; on war correspondents , 204 n .; on W . H . Russell, 223 n .; on leading article of Times, 262; on editor, 266 , 266 n .,

269 n . ; anecdote cited by, 266 n .; work on Delane, cited , 269 n ., 270 n ., 280 n .; on Lord Palmerston , 329. Cook , Dr. F . A ., reputed discovery of North Pole, 145.

Courts, some news from , guaranteed by government, 77; reporters of trials in , 178 – 179 . Cousin , Victor, on Mérimée and Sainte Beuve, 297, 297 n . Covent-Garden Journal, The, 54 ; Field ing 's work on , cited , 54 n .

Cowen , Joseph, his first speech in par liament, 360 n . Cowper, William , quoted, 1 . Crabbe, George, quoted , ; on news papers, 427 n .

Cook, Joseph, sermonsof, in press, 92 n.

Craftsman, Percival on, 33; as party

Cook , W . L., on the reporter, 141. Cooper, C . A ., examples of false news, given by, 148 n .; on parliamentary reporting, 173, 173 n .; cited , 329 n . Cooper, F . T . & Maurice, A . A ., on caricatures, 387 n .; work by, cited , 387 n ., 392 n .

organ , 33. Crank, 48. Crawford , T . C ., article by, cited , 181 n. ; on worth of information , 184 n . Crédit-Mobilier, 270 . Creeds, examples of newspaper, 46 –47; as historical material, 47. See also

Cope, Sir Walter, advertising office started by, 332 n . Copyright, benefits historian, 77. Corantos, 115; genesis of English news 195 -– ., 195 paper traced to , 9 , 9 n ., 115s nn ., 196 .

Corbin, John, Introduction by, cited , 328 n .

Cornell University , course in jour. nalism at, 457. Corntossle, Farmer, 62. Corpus, Roman , 2. Correspondence columns, welfare work through , 100 - 101. See also Letters to the editor. Correspondent. See Occasional corres pondent; Special correspondent; War correspondent.

Cortissoz, R ., on war correspondents , 203; on Whitelaw Reid , 362 n . Cosmos, 47.

Country press, contrasted with city press, 18, 38 , 63, 485 -487; Turner on , 89 n .; London press exchanged news with , 116; editorial disappearing in , 270 n . ; editors of, 271 - 272, 277 ; Thorpe on , 363 n .; White on , 486 . Couper, W . J., on news-letter in Scot land , 6 , 6 n .; work by, cited , 6 n., 7 n ., 136 n.; on the “ caddies," 7 ; on an editor's equipment, 269; on Edinburgh journals, 446 .

Courier, London, 48 ; extract from , sent


Creelman, James, article by, cited , 34 n. Crescent, 47:

Cressy, sinking of, 393 n . Cricket , 47 Crime, newspapers detect, 12; work on relation of press and, cited, 73 n .; illustrations of, 410 .

Crimean War, war correspondence dur ing , 196 n ., 197 n ., 200 - 202, 204 n . ;

Russell's letters from , 221, 223 n . “ Crimesown ,” 50 . Crispi, Francesco, work on , cited, 409 n . Critic, 48.

Critic, Chap. XII; Carlyle on aim of, 288; Babbitt on , 288, 289- 290 ; The Nation on , 293 – 294, 310 ; Martineau on , 294, 295 ; Romilly on , 294 – 295 ;

Thackeray on , 295; poem to a malig nant, cited , 297 n .; Besant on sham and real, 302 n .; Arnold on French 304 - 306 ; Nadal on , 304 ; Saintsbury

on , 305 ; Boynton on , 305, 312; Buck on , 305; authors and, 311; George Eliot on , 311, Collins on, 311, 312 , 318 ; Holliday on , 311 - 312; troubles of, 311- 315. See also Book review ; Criticism . Criticism , Chap. XII; in French press , 33; Perry on American , 317, 329 ; Becker on , 318 ; literature and , 318 ; Hewlett on , 329 n .; historian and,

to King Joseph, 200 n .

Courier and Enquirer, N . Y ., ruse of, 423.

Courier -Journal, Louisville, represents consolidation of three dailies, 22 n . Courrier de San-Francisco, Le, 49 n . Courrier français, 49 n .

Courtney , Leonard , article by, cited , 330 n .

art, 328 .

dramatic , development of, 318 , 319; historian and , 319, 320 , 324, 325, 326 , 327; Congdon on, 319 n ., 325 n .; theater


and ,

319- 321;

courts and , 319- 321; advertiser and 321 - 322, 324 ; social life and , 322– 323 ;

Hunt on , 322; A 'Beckett on, 322– 323 ;